Year 2021 for Taurus


Expansion areas

  • Major expansion in work, rise, promotions will come. This is year to experience ease, smoothness in career flow.
  • Good year to make major jump in work life if you are well prepared. It means moving to business fields, trying for long cherished job or starting something in parallel.
  • Extremely good time to learn new skills, move to distant lands, to foreign for major gain of exposure. This is best time to upgrade yourself. Be if formal or self learning, this year is high on learning quotient for sure.
  • Good time for improvement in all relations and for happy events at home. If your individual time permits, then this is year for all auspicious events like marriage, child birth, celebrations at home and it can also bring progress in lives of your family members.
  • Foreign travels and migration for those aspiring can come in this year decisively.
  • End of past health ,work, family issues .This is year for end of  many delays, obstacles and personal level confusions.  It means greater freedom, ease and inner peace will come.
  • One of the finest years to dream again, set new goals, aspire higher. Being free from earlier challenges and limitations, your spirit will rise and this year to create a blueprint of a new life.
  • Financial growth is also quite positive and gains from lands, properties, fixed assets as strongest pattern of this year.

Challenges ahead

  • Well being of elders in family, spouse, children will need attention often.
  • Professional relations can test you intensely in this year. This can be year where you come across some hidden, suppressed enmity or issues. These issues will come to surface and will have to be dealt in details. This can be painful processes and can even harm your image and self-esteem or even job itself.
  • Career changes are strongly seen in this year ,but process can be really testing for some of you. This means job changes can come via some jolts, sudden work lows, job insecurity is there in middle part of the year. This can be year of career uncertainty which will create possibilities for future career growth .So while end goal can be peaceful ,it’s the process which can really test your patience and skills.
  • Some uncomfortable decisions will be to taken as well. This can mean moving to new place, taking up more work, work of others, working for long and bowing down at many situations. Relocation trends are very strong and can even generate fear and isolation ,though temporary.
  • Troubles from some friends, some social relations going sour is also a possibility. So challenges your friends, social circle and acquaintances.

Lessons and needed approach

  • Small sacrifices will have to be made in order to grow. This can mean sacrificing sleep, family time, your mental peace and personal time for sake of career rise and better productivity.
  • You need to remain extremely open when it comes to moving outside your comfort zone. Relocation trend is high, while for some it may be as per expectation, for most of you it can generate fear, isolation initially. So be ready to leave attachment for any place, position, person for sake of more opportunities.
  • You will have to learn to deal professional challenges, differences, conflicting situations more gracefully. This is quite challenging area and will offer strongest lessons. Your old rigid, opinionated and even biased self will have to be moderated and this is year to refine your approach towards your public relations.
  • For many of you this is also the time to think about some fundamental questions like what drives me, what are my values, what really matters to me and what should I be doing in order to derive more satisfaction. You really need such sessions with self to figure out best for yourself. For some such introspection can be luxury, like for productivity and better work satisfaction but for majority this process can be imposed, can become mandatory for survival and future work growth. So go beyond usual day to day life and ask such deeper questions to yourself. Blueprints for future can only be laid when you are conscious about your inner call ,your potential and limitations


Year to move ahead with end of many past sensitive matters, conflicts though needing mature version of yourself as acceptance of heavier responsibilities is necessary now. Not fearing changes, trusting the process needed for fulfillment of your goals and making small sacrifices and rising above your comfort zone will assure you best in this year. Its kind of year where old will dissolve and new will be under process of formation. So leave the old impressions, remain flexible and be truly committed to your goals so that you don’t do anything with half heart. Year full of great potential but you will have to remain true to self and goal you are chasing. 

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