Year 2024 for Virgo Moon sign


Expansion areas

This is very strong and positive year for you where you will keep getting better and circumstances too will get much lighter ,better and constructive.

Career growth is steadily seen. This is healthy year which offers rise in work, getting to better roles. Job changes are also possible with some effort .Major career milestones can come in this year. More travels, relocation ,even foreign travels can come in context of work.

Financially this seems decently good year with steadiness in your financial state. Excessive financial burden will decline gradually as you move ahead .Gains from properties, buying hosue, vehicles etc is also strong possibility this year. Those who are applicable can also get assets, wealth in inheritance.

This is also year for major healing .Your relationships ,personal health will improve majorly. You will receive grace, blessings which will help you heal at deepest level. You will meet wise people ,healers, will find right guidance in almost all aspects of life. This is one of the best highlight of this year for you.

Time favours many positive events in family life. Those looking to get married can find things supportive. Child birth is strongly suggested for those looking. Also your social life will expand, isolation patterns will end. This is also strong time for foreign travels and those looking for migration will get it quickly. Learning is also another major highlight, excellence in studies and upgradation of skills is seen.

Challenges ahead

This year starts with need to make some sacrifices, some financial/family constraints and work complications. Challenges are more aligned in first half and things will ease as you move ahead.

Work tensions specially between July to Nov and mostly around Oct-Dec phase can come. This is also the time when family and health concerns of family members can come.

This year also shows complications in health ,but only for the ones who have been too negligent and careless in past years.

If your personal chart indicates it, then challenges, very turbulent times in family life, married life can come.

How to ensure success

Remain flexible in initial half where you might need to take up more work ,extend working hours, need to travel and even relocate.

You should proactively solve issues at home. Majority of your energy can go waste in split state of mind if you are not working consciously ,intentionally to solve your relationships issues.

Focus on where you can improve, specially need to upgrade skills will help you immensely.

If you have been too casual about your health, because of overconfidence, good health in the past and because of ‘nothing happens to me attitude’ ,you need to leave such traits and become very disciplined. Complications in health can be avoided when you become disciplined right from the start.

Key essence

A very bright year bringing grace, growth, expansion of mind, great healing and Spiritual progress as well .Many travels, Spiritual ones, for work, for studies can come. This year has great exposure in it and will make you wiser, richer in experiences. All you need is to identify existing problems and face it as early as possible so that when patterns become constructive later in year, you have ample time and preparations. Being proactive and willingness to improve, learn and stretch yourself will ensure great success and happiness this year.

Heart of the matter:

These articles are primarily based on Moon signs.

These are very genetic in nature and all the positive/challenging events mentioned will only manifest if your personal time is indicating it strongly.

Your individual chart and time period that you are going in holds the primary key .These articles are written based on generic transits ,hence only shows broader possibilities.

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