Year 2024 for Leo Moon sign


Expansion areas

Very positive year for you bringing needed growth, expansion of consciousness, good wealth and addition of assets .Your confidence will rise high and many aspirations will get fulfilled.

Work life is all set to grow well. throughout the year there are patters for career rise, expansion in business and even bigger jumps and major milestones are likely .For many of you this year can revive your work life ,can bring best moments and can even prove to be the turning point in longer run.

Wealth growth is certainly one of the best part .You will see  more wealth and income will rise. Though the most impressive part is addition of assets .You can buy house, can make series of new investments .Gains from real estate are looking solid this year .Your overall material worth ,savings will increase.

Good time for anyone in learning process .Excellence in education is seen .Foreign travels in context of work, studies are also seen .Your visibility will increase, people support will rise and your creativity, innovative thinking will bring results .Even your actions can impress others and much appreciation can flow in.

This year also favours birth of child and marriage to decent extent. Though your individual chart need to show it strongly. Still overall patterns for good social life, healthy family life are there.

Good time for Spiritual growth, many travels which will also include many Spiritual/religious ones. You can get into rituals, your faith will get restored and this year shows much blessing and Grace in your life. Those already on Spiritual path will find this year as very harmonious and inspiring.

Challenges ahead

There are challenges as well in this year which can rise towards the second half.

Career challenges like weak job security ,even loosing job ,changing jobs under compulsions and forced/undesired movement, relocation are some aspects where you can feel under pressure.

Work pressure, working hours, expectations of others will rise as you move ahead. While this year surely will bring better working positions ,they will be accompanied with higher workload, more responsibilities and sense of being under scrutiny as well.

Your health also needs care this year .Some of the old suppressed ,neglected health condition can surface. Also health issues of elders in family can need care.

As you move ahead some of your plans can fail ,you will be needed to act on alternate plans. Also some work politics is seen and people you work with can become cause of concern. You are prone for setbacks, being cheated and even financial losses are possible.

How to ensure success

The foremost important thing for you is to start early and leave nothing for later. All the important moves should be aligned in first half of the year. It would be helpful to understand that while first half is about new opportunities ,growth, exciting events, motivation ,learning and shining, the second half of the year will become demanding, you will need to show your worth with great patience.

Take good care of yourself. This is the year when you should no longer postpone working on yourself. Whether its loosing fat ,getting healthier ,getting rid of some old habits ,earning well ,moving to new lifestyle ,you need to do it. The reason being, as you enter second half of year you might not find time or motivation for it.

You need to become aware of whats happening around you. This year you need to be more aware ,alert of people around you .This means not trusting others too soon .This can be year of multiple realizations and becoming wiser. People relationships will teach you important lessons ,just do not neglect the learning or try to cover up things to avoid conflicts.

Spend more time with loves ones. Genuinely listen to their concerns and take care of your parents well.

Key essence

Year which has high blessing content ,will give you results first but then will also test your worth, your values and patience. This is also the time when you need to become more aware and think very long term .Giving time to family ,loved ones is very essential to avoid regrets later on. You can surely shine given you do not get too upset with delays ,small hurdles, hostility at work. The key for you then becomes attaching importance and value to your goals, vision and not to some position you hold, place or emotions. Its your vision which will save you when things get slightly difficult. Make early start for your goals.

Heart of the matter:

These articles are primarily based on Moon signs.

These are very genetic in nature and all the positive/challenging events mentioned will only manifest if your personal time is indicating it strongly.

Your individual chart and time period that you are going in holds the primary key .These articles are written based on generic transits ,hence only shows broader possibilities.

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