Jupiter transit to Taurus : Impact on Virgo sign


Expansion areas

Jupiter transit to Taurus for Virgo people is beginning of a very good phase. This signifies expansion ,growth and marching ahead in life with completion of many goals. Career expansion is seen ahead. Rise in position, status is main essence .Changes in job are also seen. Expansion in business ,moving to new lines of work is seen. Career will grow well now.

Financially this is decent transit and does show possibilities for rise in wealth and assets. Though for it to happen your individual time must be strictly favourable for it. Jupiter transit actually signifies perfect alignment and blessings of Jupiter, which can bring all kinds of gains. Gains from properties ,lands ,buying vehicle etc is also possible. Overall this transit will increase your worth.

Better people relationships and expansion in your social life is most powerful result. Your connections will rise, you will make new friends, your old friends bonding will get strengthen, people will value you, your respect will rise and others will understand your views and will start to treat you in dignified manner.

Very positive transit for marriage, birth of child, harmony in family life and resolution of past family matters. This is best transit for higher learning, students will excel .This transit is extremely powerful to bring numerous travels .Foreign trips are possible and for those looking for foreign migration, it can occur easily.

Health will get way better. This transit stands for healing at deepest level ,so physically and emotionally you will heal and peace ,harmony ,tranquillity will come in your life .Legal matters if any will slowly move towards closure, but taking lot of time .This transit signifies return of hope, you will make new plans ,your knowledge will expand hugely and you will feel empowered and totally aligned ,hence will make tremendous progress wherever your attention goes.

Challenges ahead

Jupiter in itself will not create any major challenges for you .Some problems in professional relationships, with seniors is seen. You can get into blame games, allegations can come and at time people at work can become hostile.

Work pressure can rise, you will have to prove your worth often and increase in responsibilities can feel overwhelming at times.

Health of elders at home can create problems.

What needs to be done

This transit signifies growth and hope in your life .So you need to leave behind past and start afresh .Make new plans, restart in activities where you didn’t get success in past. This time blessings, Grace is with you .So most critical point now is to leave your past impressions totally and make a new start.

Focus on learning strongly. Learn wherever possible, learn new skills, pick up some hobby, do some certifications .Whether formal or for personal growth, learning is greatest blessing and you can really become super enriched by end of this transit.

Take note of your gut feeling ,your inner voices .You will get numerous ideas ,inspiration in this transit which should be strictly acted upon. Blessings of Jupiter, or in fact any planet comes via inspiration, new opportunities, people support and urge to learn ,explore and in taking action .So remain aware about such aspects. Allow new events ,new experiences freely, that’s how you will grow.

Spiritual journey

This transit is extremely blessing when it comes to your Spiritual growth as well. The beauty of this transit infact lies in the fact that it can bless you materially and Spiritually at the same time, with same intensity. You are seen to travel to Spiritual places in plenty, you can meet your Guru ,some of you can get initiated ,can even live in Spiritual places .Learning mantra, tantra and tremendous progress in your Sadhana is truly going to come .This is enriching, extremely powerful time to grow in your Spiritual practices.

You are also seen to do external rituals ,which will bring blessings. The deeper Spiritual significance of this transit will come by swift alignment. You will come across best routine, good diet, good people support, good learning and working opportunities and grace of Divine will fall on you very often. All you need is awareness to realize its all around you. This transit will bring all resources ,ideas and support to you need to become materially and Spiritually evolved and also heal in totality.


Heart of the matter

Jupiter will remain in Taurus sign from 1st May 2024 to 14th May 2025.

These articles are applicable mainly from Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature. How actually it spans out will depend on your individual charts and time. These articles represent broader scheme of things.

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