Mercury in 5th House

The house of creativity and pleasure as it is often called in traditional ways, fifth house in subtle forms presents the ways in which joy will be perceived by an individual .The idea of fun varies among us and how and where one’s mind will bent can be seen from placement of planets and signs in this house. Mercury when placed here will give its traits to individual and accordingly psyche will be molded in a way that idea of pleasure will be derived from all the activities that pleases this planet or which come under its domain. Obviously alteration effect of other factors will play its own role separately, if any.

Mercurial tendencies are to indulge in learning ,gathering stats and engagement in debates, with sole motto of display of intelligence .This planet do not bother much about depth gained in any particular area, rather variety and different flavors is what pleases this messenger of Gods .One will become highly receptive in learning, whether its formal or self learning, mentally such individuals are found to be very bright .These people start to display brightness of their minds quite early in their lives and if difficult aspects or conjunctions are absent ,then strong Mercury here will give dignified education. This seems quite general result of this planet being in house of education .More deeper aspects should be probed to get real insights of how mind functions under Mercurian impact.

Mercury is the planet which is closest to the Sun, and if Sun can be considered as Self then Mercury has got duty to process information and pass it on to it. This planet is mainly concerned with the speed in which information can be gathered, and due to its rapidness, much of the acquired data often gets ignored or semi processed .Mind under Mercury’s impact becomes too keen to observe, pose questions, deduce inference from smallest to mightiest events with the lightening speed, restlessness too creeps in as by product of this behavior. These people become fascinated with various objects and often indulge in assimilating a library of such things. This trend continues in the thought domain too, where their minds become walking libraries with tons of statistics inside them .They will love to indulge in logic reasoning and if they seem to lose the grounds, their speaking abilities often blur the context.

Mercury’s energy in its pure form do not have definitive direction, it will be apt to look Mercury as a child who wants to play, completely ignored about the winning or losing aspects, entirely driven by the fun involved.
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