Celestial Waiting Drama : Combinations for Delay in Marriage Part 1

There is a well known dicta tum in the world of astrology which says that chart should be interpreted keeping society and time in mind ,indeed this holds very true, especially in the context of personal relationships. The term late is very relative and obviously wont invoke same responses in all. Tradition prevalent in country, outlook towards relationships in general in society, upbringing and immediate environment surrounding one will shape up the way one will perceive the idea of marriage in general as well its interrelated intrigues.

 Lets discuss some of the combinations for late marriage or the combinations which indicates that there will be delay in marriage .Its important to note that these combinations are very generalized and in any issue whole chart has to be analyzed, taking in view the divisional charts. But still even in presence of other factors, these Yogas or combinations will have their strong say in the matters of relationships.

Putting first things first ,the impact of planet Saturn assumes prime importance ,as Master Saturn rules all the elements where patience needs to be practiced .The house of marriage is seventh ,so seventh lord and seventh house of Lagna chart are the key players here .Also not to forget are first and seventh house of Navmansa i.e ninth divisional chart .Now only aspect of Saturn when falling over seventh house will almost make it a certainty that marriage will be performed quite late .So Saturn in 1st,5th,10th houses typically display this behavior .If by chance seventh house lord also comes under aspect of Saturn ,or else if is in conjunction with it, late marriage can be seen with conformity. Its noteworthy to see that placement of Saturn himself in seventh house is not detrimental to married life ,if it sits in strength there ,it can even cancel effect of Mars and give quite early marriage ,I have seen this to be true in many charts.

Mars as expected have a role of paramount importance in affairs of marriage .In Indian tradition even a naïve with no knowledge of astrology would get scared of hearing effect of Mars on seventh house ,which is called as Manglik Dosha.Now Similar to Saturn, impact of Mars on seventh house and seventh lord needs to be seen. So when placed in 1st,4th,7th,8th and 12th house, one is ought to have manglik dosha i.e negative effect of Mars in regards to marriage affairs. Classical text spell disastrous results for this effect, like death of spouse ,which at times seems exaggerated .But yes ,when present without any counterbalancing factor/s, such placement of Mars do indicate quite late marriage, also if this Mars is difficult planet for the chart ,then lot of tension prevails during completion of all rites in wedding.

 Its also seen in context of Mars that undue fear prevails about its positioned in 8th house of the chart, dreaded predictions should not be made and such charts need deep scrutiny before coming to final conclusion.

 In next part of this article we will see role of retrograde planets, especially the seventh lord ,the role of Lunar nodes and other important factors which causes one to settle late in terms of marriage. More importantly we will explore the counterbalancing factors which cancel many such traits and often leave astrologers baffled and surprised.

Please Click for Other Yogas for Late Marriage:
Combinations for Delay in Marriage Part 2

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