Celestial Waiting Drama : Combinations for Delay in Marriage Part 2

Let’s look out for some more indications in chart which can mean delay or late marriage .These all factors stands the test of time and will show their strong presence ,until and unless really counterbalancing factors are present too, which we will discuss in the later part of the article .So let’s jump into the action.
 Retrograde planets play important role in chart. Now there are two things, first is seventh house and second its lord .In case of retrograde planets it matters less where they sit, what matters more is which house they own .So for example if sign Capricorn falls in seventh house and its lord Saturn becomes retrograde and it becomes capable of delaying marriage irrespective where it is placed in chart .So in in very general terms seventh lord if retrograde can probably signify a period of intense waiting before things get settled in personal life.
Now if this retro 7th lord also forms difficult conjunctions or receives challenging aspects, story takes different turn, and rather just signifying delay in marriage, it can drastically remold the structure of married life .This is entirely a different subject which deserves individual attention.

It’s time to give more detailed attention to much important 7th lord. Now strength of 7th lord plays important role. Whenever it is weak or especially in 6th or 12th or even 8th house, it might indicate delay in marriage .But again this is quite generalized way of looking at things, but indeed we are talking in a very general way here. Some of the combinations which might indicate delayed marriage are outlined below:

1. An empty Kendra and/or Trikona houses .Yes this can delay affairs of marriage too.

2.7th lord with 6th/8th/12th lord in deep conjunction can give late marriage

3. Role of Lunar nodes Rahu-Ketu is also important .Though any affliction to 7th house by these nodes indicate nature of marriage, it can also manifest itself in form of delay in marriage .For ascertaining the final impact, 7th lord should be seen.

4. Navmansa is very important in context of marriage. If similar combinations repeat in Navmansa i.e. ninth divisional chart also, then late marriage becomes certainty.

Now let’s look at some of the combinations which act as counterbalancing force in chart, which when in strength can actually cancel many afflictions and give relatively early marriage, otherwise overly delayed by difficult combinations .Here we go.

1. Jupiter comes first, of course! Aspect of Jupiter on 7th house and/or 7th house is a great saving grace. It act as protective shield in chart and alter trends in one life in terms of relationship for better. If it is present then marriage will be performed within accepted age range.

2. Position of softer planets like Mercury, Venus and especially Moon favors early marriage, or more appropriate will be to say that it counter balance other difficult yogas for late marriages. Jupiter’s placement also provides security, provided it has got power, so sign is equally important in 7th house.

3. If 7th lord is very powerful, like sitting in 7th house only, else exalted, then even in presence of late marriage combinations, marriage will get performed within accepted age limits.

4. If conditions of 7th house/7th lord improve drastically in Navmansa then it also act as protective factor in chart.

These were some combinations related to late marriage and their balancing counterparts. If more than one late marriage combinations are present in chart then actually it indicates the nature of marriage and married life thereafter. This is a separate topic which I will cover in my future posts.

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