Mars in 12th house

Like in other cases ,placement of Mars should also be analyzed with taking overall picture of the chart in consideration. When such position are analyzed in isolation, result is often a feeling of gloom, which totally deviate from true motive of Jyotisha. What’s actually the true motive of this ancient system of knowledge ,Jyotisha ? We can understand it well from 12th house placed Mars.

 Twelfth house Mars generally constitute what I personally call as Energy leak. What is this leak all about? Mars as we have seen in prior posts, is Universal spark to act ,to put oneself  enthusiastically in materialization of hopes and desires .It is a driving force which give physical reality to our thoughts ,just like fire which is capable of molding stern metals, Mars has the capacity to actually execute tasks which take birth in our minds and give definitive shape to our action plans. When this Mars gets placed in 12th house, it indicate resistance in taking action, one might find it difficult to actually stand up and deliver .One might make lot of plans but when actual time for performance comes ,energy gets diverted and output is rarely satisfactory ,so kind of energy is lost in activities which we didn’t ought to do in first place. This is how Energy leak takes place. Such people are dreamers, they make great stories in mind though.

There are many aspect of this Mars, whose psychological root must be traced to comprehensively understand it. In early stages of their lives, as a child, these individual often gets a home environment where they find many impositions on expression of their basic instincts. They are told to organize and behave themselves whenever in public, and as a result, their faith in themselves often diminish. The feeling that they are not worthy of things, people, attention give birth to complex in them which can get rooted deeply in their subconscious mind. They find it extremely difficult to assert themselves ,to boldly speak what their heart desire, either they get convinced that they do not deserve all the good ,or else just a plain hesitation without any concrete reason behind it. Its important to note that its actually not fear of things ,rather the feeling of rejection which sinks deep in their subconscious affecting their behavior .On outer level, such people might seem very clumsy and unorganized. They seem to be in resistant mode to new things and changes occurring around them. As I said in beginning looking planets in isolation can bring inaccurate assessment of personality ,giving example here becomes necessary .In presence of strong Sun for example ,the effects of 12th house Mars wont surface to large extent. And suppose someone has weak Sun too along with Mars in 12th,then initial years of life become an internal struggle in organizing one’s thought ,in trying to repetitively  learn how to assert oneself and boldly ask at least what one truly deserve.

The other facet of this placement is also worth giving attention to .If other planets are well placed then this Mars can actually open gates to what has been lived by Buddha the enlightened one, the magnificent quality of Compassion can take birth. Mars after passing through powerful houses, when gets 12th house at birth time ,can indicate a Soul ,who has already experienced power and authority in its pervious lives and is now ready to take higher lessons in present incarnations, away from mindless and cruel mundane pursuits. It can mean that individual is impelled by altruistic concerns rather than pouring energies for the self alone .These people become highly sensitive to pain of others and owing to their own difficult journeys in the inner realm, they gain the ability to comprehend the problem of others, and at some level they hold the potential to heal others too.

Discussing some of the prominent and most probable outcome of Mars in 12th house ,we saw that it all depends how one perceives the problem ,how it is told and lastly how it is received. The facets of such Mars could be many ranging from energy leak to growth of Compassion. We touch real essence of Jyotisha when such child are proactively given attention and encouraged to take independent decisions. That’s the higher use of astrology, when you accept and planetary configuration as necessary part of your own evolutionary process in Cosmic drama and use this as a tool in most optimistic manner to illuminate your path ,that is how Jyotisha attains the glory and it truly proclaim the right to be called as Divine Light.

For other Houses,Mars in Houses
        11th House | 12th House 

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