Venus in 7th house

Travelling through the houses Venus reaches the seventh sector ,the area of public image ,the house where one invariably interacts with others, where one sees the contrast and have to learn how to deal with others. Being the angular one ,i.e Kendra ,the seventh house is important and powerful too. Venus here can become very prominent feature of the chart, and depending on its strength it can literally dominate the personality.
Venus here gives very pleasing personality, until other planets interfere. The individuals who have this placement will be charming in their looks as well as in their behavior .These people some amount of X factor as it is commonly known ,something very enigmatic in them, which attracts people. Their personalities are soothing and generally  they are very tender ones. Huge social circle can be expected in their lives ,as they like to connect to people well. 

The most important aspect of this placement is its ability to give distinct public profiles. These people often carve out distinguished place for them ,and we can expect them to get attracted to make careers in creative fields ,where they can get chance to leave impression on masses .All sorts of actors, dancer, performers will find this placement extremely helpful. The intrinsic quality and basic urge leading to making careers or genuine interest in reputed public profiles should be understood more deeply to get the essence of this placement.

The joy and ego boost that they get through a dignified social reputation, drives them .Making money and having some career line is all right, but it’s not basic urge here, rather the real motivating force is the satisfaction and thrill coming through gaining the limelight .In power this Venus has the capacity to live up to the ambitions they carry in their hearts. Their lives often become public property, in the sense that their personal life remain vulnerable to extreme exposure, which sometimes they really don’t care about. Another interesting aspect of this position is their high expectation in terms of their relationships though in general they are lucky in terms of their interpersonal relationships. For them external beauty is an important parameter and they are attracted towards people with visible affluence, be it material, or just physical .The Venus which should be deemed as quite good in this house can also give elements of disappointment here. These people due to their upbringing and lifestyle ,set very high expectations for their partners, which at times can cause agony.

In case this Venus is afflicted, then one might face challenge in terms of controlling sexual desires ,and one’s conduct might become driven by lust .Life can become crude with sole object of satisfaction of basic desires ,and more importantly one might get caught in web of thousands of self created illusions. Craving for some person or even object can dissipate all the available energy. Venus in seventh house can become the focal point of the chart and can literally mold the attitude of individual, specially towards opposite sex and world of desires. To distinguish between a worthy desire, a healthy passion and an obsession is the message from this plane here. Once we understand and acknowledge the fine line between these two domains, this placement is bound to bless in plenty. The enigma of this position perhaps can be described best in words of Aristotle ,It’s the nature of desire not be satisfied ,and most men live only for the gratification of it.

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