Mars in 10th house

Mars reaches the place where it gets freedom to unleash its full potential that too in most enthralling way .In classics the placement of Mars in 10th house has been praised highly , and in fact this can turn out to be one of the finest aspect of one’s chart .Its easy to understand why Mars who is regarded as ‘malefic’ i.e a cruel planet in Vedic astrology is considered well suited in 10th house. Tenth house covers the area of your action, how you are perceived by masses ,on the basis of identity formed through your deeds .Loosely translated this is a house of Karma, which deals with both, how one might act and how outcome of his acts are visible in his social image. Mars on other hand is Universal spark ,the dynamo which inspire to translate our thoughts into action, who loves to conquer .Its like calling a dynamic, enthusiastic and aspiring person and giving him charge to lead a gathering, how well this is achieved will depend on overall fabric of chart though ,but the spark, vigor and explosive energy of Mars in 10th house is sure to leave strong imprints in molding overall personality of an individual. Lets dive in deep to explore more on this placement.

Individuals having Mars in 10th house grow up with a sense of curiosity in them and in many cases signs of being unique are visible right from their early stages .Its important to note that these people are not necessarily hard working ,rather they believe in smart work. The aspirations of this Mars are comparable to what is taught in business schools these days. An insight in their psyche will help us to understand their aspirations and behavior in more clear manner .They are stern  believers in practical aspects of life and it will be rare if they will be impelled by words alone ,as their inspiration and motivation comes from actual achievement. In their hearts they burn immensely ,deep down they burn with passion and immense desire to carve out a distinguished and unique place for themselves in social circle. They value courage and they will get instant goose bumps on seeing or hearing some challenging task, difficult circumstances invokes best in them .If you want them to produce best ,leave them alone, that will induce highest level of Spirit in them ,or ask them to take the charge, results will be almost stunning .The Spark of Mars do not remain alive when asked to work among teams ,its not that they don’t value the Spirit of teamwork, rather the joy which they derive by a sense of independency becomes tremendous driving force for them .Needless to say ,they are often super achievers in their lives. Leadership, brilliance in management all such things come natural to them and they have the potential to become indomitable personalities.

Few other characteristics of this Mars must be understood to form a comprehensive picture about this placement. This position of Mars can induce high dose of impulse in psyche of an individual .These people might need to manage their temper well. They might become vulnerable to act in haste without judging all pros and cons as they are allured by the charm of victory in such a great manner that only destination matters to them ,and sometimes the path they choose to reach there might bring lot of criticism from others. This position of Mars do not provide success by default and one might need to learn a lot of lessons, specially from opposite sex, and in terms of controlling their lower human qualities before they can expect to fly high .As I begin to end this description of Mars in tenth house ,my mind is echoing with a quote from Bill gates, Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking that they can't lose.

For other Houses,Mars in Houses
        11th House | 12th House

Photo Credit : Images from Pixabay.

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