Year 2017 : Impact on Capricorn sign

Expansion realms
Capricorn people move into phase of immense restructuring with Saturn coming to test you and modify your lives for the better. Still this year many positive events are aligned which would bring you joy. To begin with, this is the year when despite challenges you can get rise in work and your position can get elevated. Some of you can even get a job change, but this is subjected to many conditions and might not be a smooth and hassle free process. Time in initial half of the year, i.e till August is fine for making long term plans, for getting good rise in work which can even give you desired financial push. This year is good for matters of education, for adding new skills, getting certifications in new languages, talents etc. You are seen to make strong value adds to which would give you good results in times to come. For the ones aspiring to move to foreign lands for pursuit of education or even for work related aspects, good results are expected. Time till August again is very hopeful here and many of you would travel for long term. Those who have migration possibilities in their individual charts, can also expect it to happen this year. This year is also good for gains from lands and properties and many of you are seen to buy/sell your property and/or move into your dream house as well. In essence, this year is very good when it comes to addition of new assets in your family life. Positive vibes, though in subtle form, which needs high awareness to be utilized, are also present at home where much better atmosphere will start to be created but would require your intense attention and genuine efforts. For concrete gains of any kind, the second half of the year is better. Those looking to get married and extent family, this year does offer some hope as well. This year is also good for those involved in creative fields and in learning process ,be it formal or very individualistic.

Winds of change
This is indeed the year when you would move into high level of restructuring in many areas. Challenges and immense changes are ready to usher in your life and you don’t have any option but to allow these changes and don’t create resistance from your side. Change in your living place is seen this year. Many of you can be asked to relocate and move to entirely new places. This change of place can be accompanied by change of job or change of role for you and in initial phase this is sure to make you very unsettled and even isolated at emotional level. Job changes, though indicated but can come via many puzzling situations. Constant pressure at work, long working hours, additional responsibilities and handling new roles and greater authority can also make you tensed at times. Any rise in position or change in work will need you to prove your worth constantly and circumstances can be such that even after giving your best, your efforts might not be noticed at all. Some of you can also experiences extreme stagnation in work and can cry for a change which would be too slow to come to you. Gaining new skills is key for you this year to get desired opportunities. Another area where you can feel strong vibes of change and sharpness is your health where some old and even new issues can crop up. Such issues will need patient approach as desire to get rid of such issues immediately will only add to existing state of panic. Family life also see new challenges and some new issues resurfacing and some conflicts with family members are also seen, though second half of this year do have silver lining when better environment and support will start to flow towards you.

Months in particular between Feb to June can also see some conflicts in your public and professional lives. Time till September this year is low for making any investment and any big financial decision in general. Challenges will also spring in contexts of your money with some really big expenses coming up now. Health of parents and your equation with them can also become matter of concern. This all might seem too much to handle, but this is beginning of extremely big phase of transformation on all levels. So cooperate and allow changes to take you to level next.

Potential lessons
What to expect when Mighty Saturn has arrived in your life? Lessons, lessons and more lessons. You enter in domain of intense and prolonged leaning and this year is just the beginning. Transformation and restructuring as discussed earlier will simultaneously generate many learnings for you. Though the areas are endless, still to bring focus to prime areas, your work life and relationships are main learning avenues. At work, you will need to cope up with much pressure, increase your working hours, prove yourself and this all would need you to take yourself to level next without which you won’t be able to sustain the pressure. Cooperation with team mates, down fall of your stale ego(if any) and working with sprit of inclusiveness even if you are not used to it are some strong lessons aligned this year. You also need to remain open to new places and new roles/work type and being receptive is the only option you have as creating resistance from your side and desiring things/people to move as per your expectation can bring disappointments and even feeling of repent later on. Old relations are seen to fade away, which can require your patience and strength of personality to work in its full mode. Your public, professional and personal, all relationships will see much mess and many of old bonds can now rupture ,settle down your resistance and create space for new ones to come .You are also needed to work on your routine ,take care of your and your parents health in much more proactive manner .Plan your expenses very cautiously as you can be required to spend on some serious responsibilities, so let your luxury and causal attitude take the back seat as of now. Though the list can literally continue for long, essence of this year is to remain flexible, humble and open to changes and try to see what’s in store, what’s behind the scene rather than getting frustrated by the situations too soon. Lessons given now when taken with open heart will result in smooth transition process. Allow Saturn to work on you and mold you into a new person, focus on the gain and not on how it is arriving.

Spiritual Journey
It can definitely take the back seat. Your Spiritual urges, abilities and overall level of awareness goes into dormant state. Though when it comes to learning, evolving, this year is something huge, but your conscious level and desire/ability to link events and their essence can fall drastically. It’s not necessary to feel Spiritual, act or think in such ways when you are not aligned in reality. Give attention to areas where you lack and let your all energies be used for organization of your physical world. If possible, at times, just reassure yourself of the fact that whatever comes your way this year is all for grand transformation which Saturn is sure to bring with it. Spirituality in active form can wait as of now, it’s time for you to work on gross level and just prepare yourself to assimilate intense evolution in times ahead.

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