Year 2018 : Impact on Aquarius sign

Aquarians, gear up to one of the finest year of your life. Year 2018 has brilliant alignment of planets for you which makes it one of the most memorable year. This year brings great pace in your life and Saturn in transit is in mighty position to bless you. You will see positive expansion all around and it won’t be wrong to say that your life will take new turn from here onwards. This is the year to take new decisions, take your career to new heights, plan long term, make new goals, get into new lines, explore, experiment and create life of your desire. Jupiter in transit also blesses you completely which makes this year as exceptional for you. The expansive patterns are seen in all aspects of your life. Let us move to discussion of how this year will shape up specific areas of your life.

Work life is seen to take great pace and positivity is seen to usher here. Whatever you aspire to do can take shape now. Job changes, rise, promotion all are possible, and process would be swift, given your individual charts doesn’t have very adverse patterns. Appreciation, better work satisfaction and even rewards are seen in this year. Along with career rise, financial rise is also seen. Business expansion, better gains and better people network is seen this year. If you are looking to move into different/new work fields then taking the step is totally favorable as well. Actually, this is phase for taking your career to level next and pattern of intense stagnation ends now. You should take up restructuring of your career very proactively as changes would occur swiftly. Phase till October remains very fruitful for you and can bring such positive rise, time later on will require greater push and can delay fulfilment of your aspirations.

Financially as well this is a good year. You will see rise in your earnings and even new sources of earning can open up. Good hike, better business returns all are possible now. Gains from properties, from family and support from parents is seen strongly which will help you gain better financial status. Long term investments ,gains from stocks, trading all are possible this year .This is the time to take control of your financial aspects and plan it well. Buying land, investing in properties, adding new assets in your life, all is seen and will bring joy to you. Time phase between April to August though isn’t that smooth and be it career, finances and relationships, you can feel stagnation, losses and greater push as pace would lack here. In these months you need to be cautious of overconfidence and avoid direct confrontation with people at work and family.

This year has many other positive trends for you that needs mentioning. Time is very good for pursuit of higher education and students will perform good. Focus, coherence in mind-body is seen which will lead to better performance. Moving to foreign lands for work and higher studies is possible if your induvial charts doesn’t conflict it strongly. Indeed, you should do some skill upgradation, certifications and enrolling long term courses as gain of education is strongest pattern of this year. Foreign travel and even migration is also part of this year for many of you. This year will enhance your exposure to people, better events and will bring positive contrast in all aspects of life. In deeper essence this year you should rebuild your life, take strong decisions and start afresh wherever you are lacking. Once you start to give efforts, intentions in direction of your dreams, you will start to find ways out and new life will be created for you. The planetary alignment for you is no less than exceptional and can give you huge shifts in various areas of life. So learn, work hard, move up, plan long and for the ones who have stopped dreaming owing to suppression of past many years, start dreaming again, your time has come.

Your isolation of past years will also start to end, though on gross level. You will move out, better people connections are seen, and this year is strong for forming of new bonds, love life is also seen to blossom and those looking for marriage will find better support from their destiny. Though it needs to be mentioned here that your inner state still remains of lack and despite the fact that you will be supported by many, you can feel a deep isolation within, like a void and emptiness. This feeling though is not fatal and merely stands for a phase of transformation in your life which will sweep almost all areas. The churning in relationships this year also means some of your old associations will end by creating a huge uproar and pain in you, but it’s inevitable now and hoping for the best, believing in process of life, you need to support such events. Time is also extremely good for birth of children and planning family for those looking for it. This year also show better growth rate of your children and rapid expansion in their lives.

Your health does make improvement though emotionally you seem to be deviate and prone to feel much. On gross level old health issues are seen to depart and this year brings greater life force, immunity and bounce back powers which will help you come out of any issues with your discipline and sheer inner strength. The typical traits of Aquarius signs of inner strength and great inner drive come alive now and you need to utilize them. Its extremely important to mention that your doubts, past impressions are still very much in you which can stop you strongly from fully utilizing the potential of this year. Letting go quickly, redefining life, starting afresh, leaving old behind and intentionally redefining your life, your goals, is very important so that you are not attached to past and your reference levels are not same as in past. Spiritual growth and learning will walk in parallel, though is very slow-paced. Once you take bold steps, this can be one of the most re-defining year for you. Open up, let go and be ready to take your life to level next.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon sign.
2.Its important to understand that precise nature of events in life of individual is seen from combination of individual dasa and impact of transit. These articles are based on transit patterns, hence indicate broader framework.

Other Moon signs, Please Click :-
  • New Year 2018
                Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 

                         Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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