Year 2018 : Impact on Pisces sign

Some years come for intense cleansing, for testing and for taking you to level next of life without your consent and without your planning, this is such year for Pisces people. Year 2018 for Pisces isn’t rosy and stands for stern tests, intense restructuring and challenges. This year two mighty planets, Saturn and Jupiter in transit are in quite stagnating position which symbolizes a huge pressure developing and events occurring beyond your reach. Though until we discuss patterns in depth, catching the real essence isn’t really possible merely on surface. For Pisces people this is one of the most defining year but not in the sense they want. Things will change but Higher law will pervade and events occurring this year can make you feel like helpless and in higher sense this is the time to realize that sometimes cosmic wish must find its way in our life irrespective of how rigid and unprepared we are. There are many positive aspects still and let’s move to discussion of impact in various aspects of your life.

The most important sector, your career, work life, is going to get impacted in most long-term manner now. This year has strong patterns of stagnation and your work pressure, working hours can increase. Also, expectations from you can rise and deserved attention, appreciation and work satisfaction call can drop sharply. You can feel intense desire to change but can face hurdles and much delay in fulfilment of your wish. This isn’t smooth year for changing job and you can go through much hassles, need to learn a lot and also new job can be lesser than what you expected and much adjustments needs to be done. Pattern of forced job changes, changing under pressure or due to family/personal compulsion is also seen which remains high till August end this year. Particularly time from April to August can be weakest for your work life. You need much hard work, acceptance of your faults, quick re-work and attitude of learning this year to survive well. Job changes should be done only when really necessary as they can come with many conditions which can throw you miles away from your comfort zone. Relocations can come with job changes which can add to your pressure.

No major work life decisions, expansion of work should be taken this year without preparations. Ideally you should preserve what you have, and growth is possible but would need immense effort and going beyond your limitations. For those looking to leave job and enter into business fields, start some venture, remaining very careful till August end is needed and time post September for you will start to ease as far as patterns in work life, growth and better people support is concerned. Similar are trends in finances where you can see much stagnation. You can feel under pressure and many expenses, family duties can weigh you down hence this year you need to save wherever you can and not spend on things which you don’t need immediately. Having a very calculated approach is necessary. Though there are many positive sides as well. This year you can get a lump sum amount, gains from properties, inheritance all are possible or simply amount coming in from your past investments which will help you. Financially things will be tolerable and better time is seen from May onwards and May to September is decently good while September onwards your financial rise will start .For new work opportunities ,business expansion and people network, time post October is very suitable.

One of the stiffest challenge can appear in your personal family life relationships. Your existing relationships, married life, bonds with parents and partner, all can crumble and face difficulties this year. Here your individual chart becomes important. In such adverse transit year, the area which is most sensitive in your individual chart generally comes to highlight .Touching the essence is necessary here to avoid fatalistic approach ,this year whatever is hidden ,is suppressed due to social pressure, family life conditions, your weakness, volatile relationships and attitude, all will come to surface and it won’t be possible to neglect them further .It’s wise to take time in matters of love life. Many of you can face tensions, conflicts and rise in family life expectations. Take time if you are thinking of separation, as impact would be long term now. This year you cannot escapee anymore from taking responsibility and from taking a stand. Time is weak for new bonds, love life, for marriage purpose unless your individual chart has very bright dasa pattern. As far as your personal and generic relationships are concerned, people will leave you, many of old bonds can break down and this process itself can be very tiresome and with hassles. Support the process, let go freely with deep trust that things are only happening for your better and whatever is going away wasn’t meant for you. Giving space to new by letting go old and moving with strong faith is your savior this year in context of your relationships.

Coming to better aspects of this year, time is good for learning new skills, for starting your work life in new way, from scratch. You can make new beginnings, given your heart isn’t stuck in past eternally. Time is also very good for moving to foreign lands and for the ones looking for long term prospects, migration, can find this year very supportive. This year is also good for relocating to new city, leaving old habits, way of living and for preparing a better plan for your health. Health wise this year can bring your attention to some areas which were lacking till now and ideally you should not avoid anymore. Though once you give attention and work firmly on your health, things will improve. Time between April to June in particular is weak for your health matters and will need very careful handling. Also health of parents can decline. Spiritually, this year is weak as you are seen to be deeply indulged in mundane matters, solving many complexities and fighting with external limitations. It’s all fine to engage all of your energies on gross level and your Spiritual journey will pick up immense pace once you move in post October timeline. This isn’t a linear year and progress does occur, but needing you to let go, go extra mile and accept where you lack. Cooperating with the process whole heartedly is best what you can do and belief that you are moving to better version of yourself is extremely necessary for that inner push. When the going gets tough, Pisces people, you need to get tough to get going.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon sign.
2.Its important to understand that precise nature of events in life of individual is seen from combination of individual dasa and impact of transit. These articles are based on transit patterns, hence indicate broader framework.

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