Introspect,implement and improvise : Saturn retrograde in transit-Part2

Saturn retrograde in transit does have same essence for everyone, but obviously the areas, aspects, ways and intensity all will differ depending on Moon signs. To get more specific, lets touch the essence of what this Saturn retrogression indicates for each Moon sign individual. Also note that these indications are for Saturn retrograde for year 2018 that is happening between 18th April to 6th September.

Aries: Its time to look what is driving you, how realistic your goals are and are you really doing things that’s needed to achieve what you want. Your professional relationships, how you act, behave at work what changes you need to bring in self for evolved relations at work, to quicken up your progress. Its time to realize what skills you lack (hence what needs to be learned).How you treat your parents, how you behave when under scrutiny/pressure or are said to follow orders, your natural instinct and recent actions (and damage coming out of it)  needs to be introspected .Some of the unconscious habits/addictions/behavioral patterns that have caused serious obstacles/damage needs to be rooted out of your life to move ahead without getting into same old traps again.

Taurus: Lessons can be taught in harsh way, so be as receptive and humble as you can in this phase. Your approach towards career, with family members, with life partner and in work all needs extremely impartial introspection. For you its important to take steps once you are completely assured what needs to be done. For you lessons are diversified, your habits, routine, your approach at work, all needs re-evaluation and serious think tank. Realize what you can improve, remaining in present boundaries, to adjust better to your life situations. This phase will need you to accept some limitations, some aspects of your life as such as acceptance alone seems to be missing. For you Saturn retro wants ease in resistance and re-evaluation of behavioral patterns which are causing friction to be generated from your side. You really cannot have any say about external events. Though you can certainly generate ease by removing the part which is caused by your un-acceptance and ego/cribbing.

Gemini: Your habits, routine and health comes on top. You need to realize how you are living and are you utilizing your time most effectively. This phase needs you to accept your flaws in day to day habits which also impacts your personal and public relationships. What you need to do to take your career to level next? Where are you lacking and what mistakes have led to your current state. Time for serious makeover. Start from level of body (habits, routine, diet, greater self-care) moving to work life and then to your relationships. Saturn retrograde will bring your awareness to some limitations or practical boundaries of your life and now you need to re-adjust your approach and way of living according to these defined boundaries. Focus on work, better and more dignified behavior with people connected at work and in your general pubic interactions and very importantly, with your partner, family members now needs to be adopted.

Cancer: What mistakes you made in your social and professional relationships in past and what alternative path you could have taken? . It’s time to ask yourself whether you are using your skills, creativity for the best and what additional skills you need to grow further(or what you didn’t learnt, neglected in past). Time to realize what habits and way of living is harming you. Time you accept where you lacked, how intensely you neglected your body and health and make a sincere plan to rectify it. On radar lies your health, your skills and essence is what changes you can bring in your daily routine, in your diet and in your generic public interactions/social life so that you can optimize conversion of your potential. Saturn retrograde will bring events which will make you realize how your mistakes and ignorance about talents of self is causing a slow progress rate and wastage of time, money, energy in useless matters.

Leo: Family and work for you. Realize what mistakes you are doing which are leading to stress and lack of harmony at home and what new ways you can inculcate to make your relations better. Your work life and skills set. Realize where you lack, what needs to be learnt (any skill, language etc) and what defined schedule you need to achieve success and harmony in your work life as well. Are you using your time effectively? Time to look back, look within and refresh yourself for the better. Its also the phase where you can clearly realize what wrong choices have you made in past related to finances and how you can improve now. Saturn retro will bring greater awareness about how to handle your money and also it can generate new avenues for you to earn and grow in your work life .For you lessons aren’t harsh, they are mild though what you need is to accept that you actually went wrong for capturing the possibility that lies in this retrogression phase.

Virgo: Time to look around, what routine and attitude you have at work? How it is impacting your progress? Time to see whether your goals are realistic and are you actually making efforts to get there. What mistakes and behavioral patterns in recent past have done damage to your family relationships, environment at home and to your work life. Does staying in your confront zone, at current place (your city/home) has led to problems? Work, family, your place of residence, home, social life and your people network comes under scanner. The most fundamental aspect that Saturn retrograde can throw light at is whether your attitude to cling to past, to your current emotions (or say to some relation), to your home or some aspect is delaying the progress and joy that you deserve. This phase can teach you importance of truly letting go to move ahead in life.

Libra: Your habits, money handling skills, talents and social relationships needs total scrutiny. What skills you lack? How you take situations, what is your attitude? What you avoided in past in terms of learning and efforts related to maintaining relationships that led to current state? Time to learn new skills, accept your faults and shortcoming in attitude that have denied the deserved career and related financial growth to you. Your equation with money, family, family members, what is making things worse there needs a thorough check. This phase of Saturn retrograde can open up possibilities to learn to save money more effectively, it can bring your awareness towards areas where you can pick up learning and all these will have direct impact on your work life, inflow of wealth and to your self-esteem and then lastly to all of your relationships as well.

Scorpio: Lessons for you can come as severe tests. Are you really doing your best? Are you repeating the mistakes of past and yet thinking of achieving different results? Attachments with people, things, memories which didn’t worked needs a check now. You need to see impartially whether you are again getting into trap of habits, relationships which caused you harm in past. Your financial state, decisions you made recently about investments and your work skills and relationships with family are areas where you need to ponder. Essence is your attitude and whether you are really moving ahead. Saturn retrograde phase will raise possibility for you to pause and see, impartially, that how not implementing what you have learnt in past, how getting into same old traps, which damaged you many times, is holding you back. True implementation of your deep inner voices is what this phase can teach you.

Sagittarius: This can come as surprise or forced test/lessons. Approach in your marriage, in love life, at work, all needs serious thinking. How you behave at work, are you using your talents effectively, are you expecting much and giving less in your relationships, what behavior in past caused fights, differences in your public and personal family relationships. Your reaction to people, events and attitude at work, all needs an impartial look. This Saturn retro phase can bring your attention to fact that you do understand your weakness, you know how your addictions to certain things, emotions causes harm, yet you don’t change, you don’t really realize the harm they will cause in future as well. The deep sleep and tendency to neglect your shortcomings is what this phase can end, if you see, actually see, the harm your unconscious reactions and habits are causing.

Capricorn: You need to see whether you are really ready to take up challenges, requirements of your current life, be it family or at work. This phase needs you to learn to let go effectively. Are you attached to past relationships, or things, events, memories which aren’t there anymore? Are you hurting self, not really moving ahead and what are those behavioral patterns, tendencies, which take you to same old routine, same traps, you need to identify. How you spend time, money, your energies. This Saturn retro phase is subtle for you. If you really note you will find slipping into some rigid form of belief, routine or habits which you haven’t chosen consciously. This is time you wake up and see what caused you to get into such dull state and lose your alertness. You seem to have your mind split between in past and in future, Saturn retrograde phase can bring you totally to present once you realize that you are still holding on to old things, habits, way of living and memories of past which aren’t serving anymore.

Aquarius: What needs to be done in your career to move to level next, what mistakes have you made which is leading to current state and what skills you need, what decisions you need to make (or haven’t made till now) to reach to desired level. Also, how your behavior, your attitude and perception towards people in general, your family, friends, in your love life has shaped up your current reality and where you need to bring change, for better relationships and better people connectivity. Once you release fears and take needed steps related to career, career rise, better financial state all will come to you. Lessons from Saturn retrograde are mild for you and are majorly for your better. Re-evaluating your approach, behavior and identifying the patterns, reasons which brought conflicts in family life, in love life and in your generic social acquaintances can take you to a much better and optimal state of existence.

Pisces: Saturn retrograde phase can be pretty rewarding for you once you release fears related to your work life, insecurities which developed in recent past. Its time for you to think what skills you can learn, what changes can you make to your current way of living which also includes your place of residence as well .Its time to realize how sticking to old habits, staying in your comfort zone and not taking needed steps related to work life and family has brought tensions to you. This phase can open new work life opportunities, better growth and financial state can also improve once you act. Taking bold steps in work and leaving the old, unhelping people in family or truly accepting how things are and adjusting according to that will bring greater peace in your life. Release attachments to old self, old way of living and old relationships which aren’t serving and take actions that you subconsciously know you have to take leaving behind your comfort zone.

Heart of the matter:

1.Saturn is retrograde for the period between 18th April to 6th September in 2018.
2.This is transit phenomena and precise flow of events depends on individual charts and related dasha primarily.

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