Introspect,implement and improvise : Saturn retrograde in transit -Part1

Saturn retrograde in transit in essence is time to pause, mentally, and look within, deep inside into grooves of your mind.  Unlike the retrogression of Mercury or Venus, Saturn retro is relatively calmer and does have scope for serious introspection. Indeed, introspection is what this phenomenon brings with it. Saturn retrograde is time when one needs to see what approach/action/behavioral patterns/routine/way of working didn’t worked and hence can be improved. This is the time when we need to look back, in recent past, and actually do some serious analysis of how and where we went wrong. This retrogression is small window which can be used to re-define our approach, re-evaluate our goals and reform our habits.

To get more specific, as example, Saturn retrograde is the time when one can actually look back how his or her habits, routine, has shaped up current mind/body state .In case of obsessive behaviors ,addictions, escapist tendencies and harm, delay, guilt caused by them, Saturn retrogression is concrete possibility to evaluate how you could have lived your life without such compulsions .Same principles can be applied to work life, relationships as well. Like in relationships when faced with disturbances, Saturn retrograde period doesn’t only mean rise in problems, but it raises the possibility for you to see, realize, how your behavior, expectations and ego in recent past have led to current state of affairs (and what you need to do now).

Absolutely essential to mention here is fact that the introspection we take up, the rectified approach and realization we take out has to be lived in this phase of retrogression itself and more importantly when Saturn becomes direct again ,it would be real testimony for your reformulated approach .To put it in simpler terms ,what we see ,face, realize and resolve in phase of Saturn retrogression has to ‘walk the talk’ when Saturn becomes direct again after some time. What it means is Saturn retrograde period is not the time to dream or build theories in air as when Saturn gets direct again any superficial efforts will instantly crumble down. Note that all scary attributes associated with Saturn retrograde in deeper sense are methods of Saturn to force your attention to get into such process if you are not interested/ready for it consciously, so if you see more troubles, things getting worse, relationships and career moving to bottom point, its all happening to jolt you. Saturn wants you to pause and see a bigger picture of what you are doing, how you are doing, what troubles you created for yourself and most importantly where and how you can improve now.

In second part of this article, will get specific and discuss how this Saturn retrograde will impact each Moon sign. The statement made by Carl Jung is brilliant enough to sum up the essence of possibilities that lies in Saturn retrograde movement,Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

Heart of the matter:

1.Saturn is retrograde for the period between 18th April to 6th September in 2018.

2.This is transit phenomena and precise flow of events depends on individual charts and related dasha primarily.

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