Jupiter transit in Scorpio ( 2018 - 2019 ) - Impact on Gemini sign

Neti-Neti describes Jupiter transit for you in its deepest essence. Deep churning and deep digging into your Karmic store house will be performed by Pious Guru. Jupiter enters your sixth house from the Moon, signifying a transition phase where things get renewed after strong reshuffling pattern. It’s like dentist digging deep into your decayed tooth and while it will pain a little, deep down you know it’s all happening for the best. Let’s have a look what this Jupiter transit will bring for you and what are its impact areas. As concerned house is sixth, more relaxed and allowing mind set will be required to comprehend whatever God of Guru is here to accomplish for you.

Jupiter moving to Scorpio for you will bring times for deep introspection and its trigger can be many like high level of dissatisfaction with current job, excess work pressure, inability to work in productive manner in current set of conditions or simply due to deadly monotonous nature of your work. Another very critical aspect related to your work life is complicated relationships with people at work. Jupiter is not bothered now how you will feel, rather it will dig down deep and bring out what is ugly and you have to face it. Jupiter here will give you opportunity to work on your people skill, how you behave at your workplace, how is your relationship with your peers, how well you cope up with workload, what equation you are having of work-home balance, all such critical questions will gain prominence and you will get a defining chance to work on them. You might be given more responsibilities, which might puzzle you in the beginning, but it will benefit you for sure in longer run and can even result in your rise at workplace.

Change in job is visible and best time for it is between October 2018 to March 2019. Initiating change from your side is not advisable unless you are ready to prepare extensively, ready to take on challenges in next job .Desire and actual event of change of job can come via frustrations, pressure and increase in stagnation.Essence of this transit is force being implied on you which would bring necessary changes in you and in situations around you to optimize your productivity. Financially you will do well though and there wont be any major hurdles. Though you need to learn to save your money. Invest wisely and your approach needs to be calculated now and the freeness and carefree attitude in handling your resources now needs halt. Maturity is what this transit needs and will help you develop when you are cooperative rather than resisting. Whatever you are into, a new job, performing current job, entering into new business lines, expanding work, all will necessarily need highest of your devotion and you will achieve results by extreme level of hard work and commitment.

Touching the timelines, frame from October 2018 to March 2019 is better and stable and will make you work hard, slog but results, financial rise, promotion all are assured. Phase between April to August end is weak and is actually the weakest and can result in threat over job, intense pressure build up, huge workload along with financial complications. Hence do not make any major investments in this period. Also it would be strict no to take loans, give money ,sign new deals ,make prominent decisions in this phase as they are bound to bring many new complications and might not be stable in long term and will fall soon .You will realize mistakes and lessons of this transit majorly post September .From April to August things can get really sticky and many of you can experience deep level of Karmic entanglements whose ultimate aim would be clean up your difficult Karma related to your work ,health and relationships. During this latter part of transit, you can be severely tested and job changes are not favored in this period, and if done/forced can result in excessive pressure and many complications. Ideally not a great time to make heavy investments anywhere, no major gains, only stable financial progress is seen by impact of this transit.Essence of this transit is to make you learn how to handle what you have which doesn’t require new inflow, you need to learn and grow your resources with what you have right now.

Your health, especially the emotional turbulence and dullness in mind-body complex is something which you need to face now in order to bring some fundamental shifts in your lifestyle. It’s time to clean up the mess from your life, be it your neglected health leading to dis-ease in body (and mind therefore), be it your twisted relations in personal or professional life or be it your work life, all will need you to do something apart from cribbing. Especially in context of health time till August end 2019 seems very challenging and old/neglected or some new issues as well can come to surface asking your total attention. Much more challenging would be to maintain your inner wellbeing and it can be achieved by making your routine stable, disciplined and inducing changes in your way of living, by identifying what destroyed your body, corrupted your mind and hence working now to restore the balance. Effort again is something that would accomplish this, that’s where the role of sixth hosue comes in ,but it need not to be looked upon as something bad or condemning, rather a process which is necessary before your energies externalizes again in future transits ,till then work on yourself.

For the ones who are involved in pursuit of education and on path of knowledge, this transit will bring slow down and learning will now need to involve whole lot of patience. It will need time before you can assimilate something in real sense and trying to speed it up can cause friction. Opportunities for you in this transit are hidden and will need a keen and enthusiastic eye to get discovered and realized. Travels, change of city and place are not favored now, and again realize the essence, this transit is not meant to give you new things, places or relationships, rather it needs you to work on what you have got now. Going by same principles, this transit can cause intense turbulence in your social and especially personal relationships. Not an ideal time to get married and in fact your current relationships can start to fall apart. This transit is known to cause friction, sharp differences. Go back to very first line of this article, the deep churning, yes it happens in your love life as well. The ugliness and differences, hidden jealousy and other mess comes out here as well which can make your family/married life full of challenges. Rather than taking decision instantly, you need to work on your relations as well. Give them time, give people scope, considerations and do not label, assume too quickly. Matters of heart, love and romance will take a back seat and its time to preserve what really matters to you rather than trying to expand beyond what you can’t control. Patience and effort, again, are needed.

Jupiter brings a message to you: Look closely what you are doing, how you are doing and is this the thing that you really want to do? Inner suffocation, lack of desire for working and low energy can grip you. Remain aware, do not get swayed by what is visible, rather try to see the real compelling force. Without looking for the root cause, you will miss the whole point and can get trapped in means itself. This dullness of energy will come from withdrawal of life force from Jupiter and its motto is to make you come out of your comfort zone. Its human nature not to think out of box until the need arises, until it becomes the question of survival and this is the real essence of this Jupiter transit in Scorpio for you Gemini people.

This is not the transit for Spiritual progress in direct sense. In fact, you can question many things and your overall level of faith can decrease and your inner sprit and enthusiasm to pursue Truth and meaning can also decline. This is not the transit to pursue something new, rather it’s the transit which will test your faith which you have developed till now. Your ideas, dogmas and many old beliefs will be severely tested and many of your rotten beliefs would fall down, with the element of pain and possible disgust as well. It’s a low phase for Spiritual growth and in fact core material desire can grip you hard, blurring your inner mind. It’s time to raise your acts rather than raising your voice. It might sound rhetoric, but real essence and beauty of Jupiter in sixth house can be understood by reading Geeta, what Lord Krishna told Arjuna, how to work keeping oneself entirely detached, just for the sake of work, just for excelling in what you do. Be assured, rest will be taken care of. It’s the process of negation, Neti-Neti, where you realize what you want by seeing what you don’t.

Heart of the matter:

1.Jupiter moves into Scorpio sign on 11th October 2018 and will remain in it till 5th November 2019.
2.These patterns are applicable from Moon signs majorly, though will also have decent applicability when seen from ascendant as well.
3.Transit impact patterns are generic in nature and does have deep impact on individual but individual’s time period pattern holds prime importance.

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