Jupiter transit in Scorpio ( 2018 - 2019 ) - Impact on Scorpio sign

Yes, the change has arrived. Wise words of Napoleon Hill will be apt to describe this Jupiter transit for Scorpio sign people. First comes the thought, then organization of that thought into ideas and plans, then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination. Jupiter will grace your Moon sign which means time for a big change, time for big transformation is here. Jupiter for you arrives like a sunrise which leaves behind all the darkness. There are many areas where change will be experienced. Generally, Jupiter’s entry into Moon sign is not considered to be good, but this interpretation is grossly wrong as its generally a period of many new beginnings, many transformations and such events need extreme hard work, moving out of comfort zone and leaving old and known patterns behind. Phenomenon of birth of something new can be painful, but pain in the process doesn’t define the essence of this transit, its long-term gains beyond this pain which holds the real beauty.

In context of work, expansion starts now. New projects, new beginnings, new job, new ventures, new business ideas can come to you. You get engaged and many avenues for learning and earning become available to you. Owing to drastically increased communication with people and organizations, you will be offered many opportunities. For the ones in service, its time to take more responsibilities, take up new roles without fear of failing. These new roles might not show up as increased monetary gains as of now, but believe without a hint of doubt, that this is golden year for you. Whatever you work on, learn and go through will add in your skillset, experience and its results will unfold in future, which will surprise you beyond your imaginations. It’s time to increase your worth and belief with intense engagement in visible world, it’s time to lay foundations for new projects, add some skills and gather infrastructure for your goals, it’s time to get started and get busy. It’s time to say Yes. Good time to apply for new job, learn new skills, upgrade yourself, start new venture, expand work. Patterns of stagnation, delays and dullness in work life ends and you can surely expect new innings now. All it would take is vision and courage.

Financially its decent time. Though this transit doesn’t show immediate relief or surplus flow, but very importantly, patterns of excessive outflow, uncontrolled expenses and mismanagement of your wealth and resources ends now. New earning mediums with substantial rise in wealth immediately are not really favored, though you will at least get opportunities to start with. It’s going to take time (this entire transit) to come to state of sustained and better inflow wealth. Still end of wastages and random outflow will bring relief to you. In context of your health, any ongoing health trouble will now find some stable treatment and recover power of body will rise. Consider changing treatment, process and your approach towards problems, like changing doctor, method of treatment etc. Try holistic methods, yoga, ayurveda, which will work well now. Health will move to better track. Any pending matters, conflicts and legal issues if any will also move towards settlement in times ahead.

Time between October 2018 to March 2019 is very good to take new decisions, expand your reach, look out for new work opportunities and for getting started with your business ideas or expansion. Between phase of April to August end 2019 things will get slow and will test your worth and abilities. Hence there is also the need to be wise in taking your action steps in very first place as feeling of being on wrong path can grip you during this weak phase. Changes appearing after April can make you feel uncomfortable and can also bring excess pressure, you can be asked to prove yourself, to relocate for work and alike, make some heavy expenses and take additional responsibilities both at work and home which can irritate you. So this transit will also test your core values intensely. But the beauty of this transit lies in moving you to your optimal best in longer run, so you need not lose patience. Stick to your decisions and do not feel discouraged by temporary obstacles.

This will be the good time to pursue formal education and movement to foreign lands is also very much possible. Apart from education gained in schools and universities, this is the time for self-learning. New relationship will be formed, and your heart is ready to sing the song as time is perfect to fall in love. Jupitarian influence also indicates long term commitment, hence marriages for many will be formalized. For already settled in their lives, its a year when majority of blockages will be removed as it is time for happiness to return in family life. Personal life comes back on track with immense love, understanding and very healthy vibes. You feel alive and would derive physical, emotional and even spiritual support from your partner. This transit would be swift initially and time till April 2019 can make you take some big stand and decisions pertaining to relationships in your life. This is also extremely supportive transit to expand your family, plan baby and make many long term impacting family decisions. In weaker phase of April to August 2019, things would become stiff and you can find things getting strict and your approach and decisions being questioned and tested. So be ready for some big reshuffling in your personal and social relationships as well.

Your period of isolation is going to end. Since long you have been witnessing a deep seclusion and have been given opportunity to work on your inner self, mighty Guru was working in invisible mode till now. With the arrival of Jupiter in your Moon sign, things now come into visible mode. You see things happening now before your eyes. You feel like going out, meeting people as inhibitions within break, or more esoterically, your inner thirst is now fulfilled, and you instinctively know that its time to make your energies engaged in external mediums and events. As a result, your people network grow, you make many new contacts, friends, acquaintances and old ones too come back to renew their bonds. Here Jupiter will bring new energy to face situations and the most important aspect of this transit is amazingly refreshing ideas and philosophies which will pave a way for rebuilding your foundation once again. Your optimism would increase in leaps and bounds, and your outlook towards life in general would become more encouraging. No matter what the past for you was, your spirit will rise and will crave for a comprehensive change. Your life style would change, what you do might not really change your situations, life instantly, but how you feel about everything will certainly changeThe essence of this movement is to bring back enhanced level of quality in whatever you think or do, which will gradually show up in real world as real things.

In terms of Spiritual growth, your growth now happens through mode of action. You have gained enough insights till now and pious Guru will now make you practice your values in real world. Your beliefs will be externalized, and more rituals, intense practices and concrete effort is seen in growing as a person. Visit to numerous places of Spiritual and religious places is seen. This is beginning of a phase where your intention will become your primarily tool, wherever you turn it, you will see growth, be it job, money, contacts, education, spirituality, travels or simply more love, Jupiter is ready to bless you with all. Though one of the critical aspects of this transit is that changes will appear with immense effort and you can remain too busy to notice the value of this transit. There are literally huge number of aspects which will be brightened by expansive and pious Jupiter. This is the time to learn something new and irrespective of your age, this will be the year to get back to learning and really do a value add to your knowledge database. The beauty is that this desire to learn does not limit itself to theory, but the source actually will originate from your own genuine desire to grow as a better human being. This is going to be a transformatory transit for you. Get ready for a revolutionary journey indeed.

Heart of the matter:

1.Jupiter moves into Scorpio sign on 11th October 2018 and will remain in it till 5th November 2019.
2.These patterns are applicable from Moon signs majorly, though will also have decent applicability when seen from ascendant as well.
3.Transit impact patterns are generic in nature and does have deep impact on individual but individual’s time period pattern holds prime importance.

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