Divergence in personalities and Journey of an Individual

Every Soul has got its very own aspirations and intent, some are discovered and some are created in the course of life. As a child we all have experienced the times when becoming anything in future seemed like one of the option that we carry in pockets of our minds and world appears like a storehouse of opportunities, waiting to be explored and conquered. 

These are the times when innocence make us believe in our own uniqueness and we too, never question it.
As the time flies, we driven by our instincts, get busy finding and creating our space in society. Catching up to the ‘trends’, it becomes difficult to demarcate the time when we become the part of the grand race, whose finishing line and prize often remain blurred and undefined.

Syndrome of comparing an individual with others with same ‘background’ or same ‘age group’ within the social circles has infused itself so well in our psyches that one rarely questions its relevance .The nature of impulses that each one carry depends on upbringing, education and immediate environment.’Samskaar’ or the internal characteristics of an individual have deep impact on desires, mental makeup and path that one takes to discover himself and burden of comparison often diminish the spark and one waste huge amount of time and energies in justifying the route taken, more unconventional the road, more struggle one has to face, outside as well within himself.

As an example, one under the positive influence of Mars can never be compared to the one who has Mercurian qualities prominent in chart. Mars would lay emphasis of ruthless action and Spirit would find its best in thrilling adventures , while Mercury man would happily devote himself to the realm of thought and sitting in a chair with a book might give him the taste of Bliss.

We never know what baggage one carries and how the debts and old Karmas will manifest themselves for an individual. Dasha or the time pattern that one gets in life is a crucial factor in shaping up the larger picture. It is observed that the ones who are on the path of evolution, often encounters much turbulence in initial phases of their lives and any unhealthy comparison done with the peers in those times results in extreme level of frustration. The saving grace comes from the acceptance of uniqueness that each one of carries within our hearts and inner core. The day we come at peace with our pace of growth and the way life is unfolding itself before us, Joy spreads and a sense of Pride overwhelms us .A well-known quote might represent the essence here.

“Don’t compare your life with others. You have no idea what their Journey is all about.”

(c) Copyright 2013 Vaibhav Gupta  

The Sunday Sip [ 13th - 19th October 2024 ]

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