Composite tradition of India and Eternal Theory of Karma -2

Giving intense and timeless Wisdom to Arjuna, the hero from Indian epic Mahabharata, Lord Krishna in Gita when touched upon the topic of Karma, explained how difficult it is to judge nature of any action, Bhagwad Gita (Chapter 4-Verse 16):

“Even the intelligent are bewildered in determining what action is and what inaction is.“

  But the Law works in its own fashion and in most subtle form. Any actions, of whatever in nature, gets exhausted only after their results are enjoyed or suffered completely by the performer.
Chart of an individual is a window to Cosmos and debts that a Soul carries can be ascertained by listening to the messages given by planets. When one faces trouble in certain areas of life it gives strong clue about the impending debts and weak planets in chart give hints how life of an individual is going to be shaped and the area of life which will take maximum attention, energy and time.

For example, when one find Venus in bad shape in chart it strongly implies that individual has incurred negative Karma with respect to opposite sex. The one who treat female with cruelty, abuses them mentally or physically hurting them on any level propels the Venus to get its lowest position in future births.
Similarly abuse, disrespect or any misdeed performed with one’s father makes Sun find weak in chart, and with respect to mother and other elder woman, makes Moon suffers deeply.

It is no coincidence or moral policing that we find most of the religious and Spiritual texts stressing too much in engaging good deeds and treating everyone as you want yourself to be treated. The service class of society which is ever busy in giving comfort to higher classes when insulted or mistreated or else when one cheats or shows cold behavior towards grandparents and other helpless aged seniors, shows itself as degraded position of Saturn in the chart in subsequent births.

If viewed from opposite side, when one performs his work with sincere devotion and display honesty in his life, fills his basket with beautiful Karma and Guru of Gods Jupiter smile on such native and takes prominent position in chart to bless him with prosperity and high position to give justice to his actions in larger scheme of life.

On deeper level nothing can be termed as pure evil event and learning and getting back on the track is what all Mother Nature expects from us to speed up our Journey towards perfection. The affected areas in one’s life define their purpose in present life and we will explore this topic in great details in subsequent discussions. When one do give conscious attention and effort to channelize energies in particular area of life, a lesson from life can said to be well learnt and message from the planet reaches their precise destination.

Please click following link for Part 1:-
Composite Tradition of India and Eternal Theory of Karma

(c) Copyright 2013 Vaibhav Gupta   

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