Path of happiness and Optimistic mind set : Jupiter Moon relationship

Each individual spends huge amount of his energy in pursuit of happiness, looking for hope Optimism and better future prospects.The relationship that exists between Jupiter the planet of positivity and Moon the inner core of man, shows how well a mind is attuned for receiving the ever flowing stream of positive energy.

The learned astrologers never miss the chance to see how Jupiter and Moon are placed in a chart and whether any aspect or conjunction exists between the two, if it does, there are certainly the reasons for smiles.

Jupiter promotes prosperity and nourishment ,it is a force which preserves whatever is important for our growth .Jupiter is slow ,peaceful and blesses the area wherever it casts its sight .Moon whenever receives aspect of Jupiter becomes purified .Such Moon gains considerable strength and psyche of individual becomes much clear and hope sparkles in their eyes .Cheerfulness and tendency to learn in enthusiastic way is the Jupiter’s style of doing things .Moon when form favorable relationship with Jupiter, make one quite strong in will and such natives are known to bounce back with a bang when confronted with obstacles and setbacks.Being in depression for long time do not appeal to such minds and they often indulge themselves in cheerful activities very soon.Such mind look for inspiration in almost every sphere of life and even its slightest hint makes them motivated in full swing.Such mind has keen interest in knowing higher truths of life and often is God fearing and like to indulge itself in humanitarian causes.

Moon when placed either in trine or angular position from Jupiter is said to be strong, but it’s the aspect or conjunction of Jupiter with Moon which actually brighten up the soul .Such individual find happiness in small things, spread hope and live life in great zeal .Though Jupiter is the planet of material prosperity too, its impact on Moon has more to do with general emotional well being, uplifting and motivating mind set. I often draw an analogy of the Graceful aspect of Jupiter over Moon to the rays of Sun at dawn casting its sight at the snowy mountains, which make them appear like gold. Jupiter aspecting Moon is one of the most fortunate thing and shows the blessing of Lord and ensures a much happy and peaceful disposition of mind which often paves way for a worthy life.

(c) Copyright 2013 Vaibhav Gupta  

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