Spark of Divinity and Quest for Wisdom and Liberation - 2

Learning is a continuous process, as we all know it. In esoteric world this holds even more importance .There is a famous saying that it’s your attitude which determines your altitude, and we if scrutinize bit closely we will find that not all mind are keen to analyze and take out nectar of Wisdom out of any difficult situation .The momentum gained in one life in pursuit of Knowledge continues its Journey as we have already discussed before.

When a Soul take birth, according to its characteristics and pot of destined Karma, planetary configurations in the heaven shows the precise amount of potential for development of profound Wisdom and tendency to move ahead on the path of Self Realization. In Bhagwad Gita, Lord Krishna declared that His Grace is needed for gaining the Wisdom in this world and to succeed in the pursuit of Liberation.

Though the yogas we are about to discuss directly relate to the potentiality for Self-realization, they should be actually taken as the combination for maturity of the mind beyond formal education. When such combinations show up in a chart it holds a promise that native will take genuine interest in meditation, reading Spiritual and Holy books coming in contact with Pious and learned Masters.

1. Role of Jupiter will obviously be of paramount importance. Dev Guru Jupiter when sits in Trine to Moon, i.e. either 5th or 9th from it, shows intense desire in an individual to study sacred texts and to know hidden truth behind the events.

2. Aspect of Saturn and Jupiter together on Moon shows a balanced mind who take genuine interest in Spirituality and often have a tremendous ability to learn a great deal from experiences of self an others. Aspect or association of Saturn alone with the Moon can mean a rough and quite testing path in pursuit of knowledge.

3. Saturn in ascendant or in fourth house gives a detached view of the world and interest in Spirituality. Aspect of Saturn alone on Lagna lord, or the Lord of Moon sign also signify the same. .In such cases native often engages in practices of Mediation, Yoga and ‘Pranayam’.

4. Jupiter is a religious guru and its favourable position in chart like being positioned in its own sign in 9th, 1st, 5th or 12th house can give a strong bend towards the rituals and native takes the traditional path in life and engages himself in reading sacred texts and explore ancient Wisdom.

5. Combination of 4 or more planets in any house is also said to give touch of renunciation in an individual traditionally. But this yoga should be taken as the combination of intense engagement in whatever activity one takes on. If such combination falls in 10th house or aspects it provided lagna lord and 10th lord are also involved then path of Wisdom is pursued for sure, bit actual result of such yoga will depend on planets involved and their ownership.

6. Pisces ascendant in the Navmansa shows predestination. This is an auspicious yoga for success in gaining knowledge and Liberation.

7. In Navmasa, i.e. D-9 chart the position of Moon should be looked carefully, if it is in signs of Saturn/Mars and is aspected by these planets only or only one of them alone, then it’s a classic combination of taking the path of renunciation and Individual shows deep interest in Yoga and Tantra.

8. Ketu in 12th aspected by Jupiter or else with 9th lord shows the tendency to take the Spiritual path and gain success in it.In 5th or 9th house with strength Ketu gives bent to lean many languages along with deep yearning for knowing all the hidden mysteries.

9.Rahu and Mars whenever involved in above yogas either by aspect and conjunction, shows the tendency to take darker paths like Tantra, with strong attractions towards material benefits of Spiritual practices.

10. Association of planets like Jupiter, Mercury and Venus with 2nd house signifies high level of moral conduct and native often engages in  Self learning propelled by the Divine forces.

Though the combination for renunciation, Sanyaas and pursuit of Nirvana are many, these are some of the yogas that can be found in many charts with varying degree. These combinations might not mean that one will leave material world completely, but shows capacity of a Soul to learn and grow out of life’s circumstances. Lives of such natives are found to be full of different kinds of experiences and with blessing of Lord, one gets a quantum leap in present life on the path of Self Discovery.

For Part 1:
Spark of Divinity and Quest for Wisdom and Liberation - 1

(c) Copyright 2013 Vaibhav Gupta  

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