Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Scorpio Moon sign

We often see and hear inspirational stories about many great and renowned celebrities.We get goose bumps listening to their tale ,we derive motivation from them. This is your time to make your story, this is your time to stand up to the challenge and show the strength of your character. Saturn transit for you brings your Sadesaati to the peak. Saturn now enters your Moon sign and with this you enter in a phase which is most feared and is literally damned. But before you make any fatal impressions it will be good to be reminded that promotion in work, considerable financial success and awards at workplace are also seen in this phase, and it’s not just a phase to mourn and condemn ,rather it’s the time to witness the biggest revolution that can happen in one’s life. Now we can get into details with your open and receptive mind.

 There can be volumes written about Sadesaati and impact of Saturn when it enters the Moon sign ,but the real essence can be described in very simple way ,rise of Tamas, the negativity within and around. Let’s start from the inner most manifestation to the outer core of your life .Its impact on your mind and inner psyche is most important and deserves thorough discussion and understanding.

Saturn wants you to be alert now and rise up to the challenge. You don’t have any option but to face the issues ,you can try if you wish to postpose or neglect the problems in and around your life, but you will repent it endlessly. Saturn here for you will dig deep in your Karmic bucket and will bring to the surface all your weak points and as this mighty planet likes to act from opposite end, so situation will be very stern for your testing .For example a student in her school or college might study hard ,but leave just 10% of her syllabus, guess what! 90% of her exam paper will be from this neglected part. This is not the time to mourn or condemn Saturn, it literally won’t help you even an iota(literally).This period has nothing to do with pain or problems, rather Sadesaati comes for very specific purpose, that is to clean you to the core and Saturn in its all might will throw many tests at you, which all will relate to your weak, sensitive, hidden and neglected areas. Mind becomes volatile in such times and there is tendency to react rather than act. Though it’s quite normal to feel this period as cruel because Saturn grips quite hard and all of a sudden there seem to be issues all around and one wonders, why me! .In such times mind look for shortcuts and immediate relief ,but it’s been well known fact that Saturn do not allow it. You have to stand up to the challenge; you have to work end to end and with all of your heart. Working hard is not a quality anymore,rather it’s a necessity .If one really wants to counterbalance his or her Sadesaati most effectively than all the values that we read and hear in books and in lives of ‘someone else’, like patience, hardworking, immense faith have to be lived with now. Working hard and a disciplined life should become next to your breath, .Yes these qualities are must and are oxygen for Saturn to survive and let survive.

Change in your place of residence is very much possible in search of peace and more success and allow any change to happen freely. Resistance is anti-Saturn and will further alleviate pain.Move with Saturn, allow isolation, do not fear any new circumstance .At workplace, you might be tested at various front with workload increasing many fold, but here lies the amusing part .If one really sticks to highest level of ethics and works diligently then this phase also bring awards, fame and rise in work, but responsibilities are sure to increase. There could be difference of opinion with coworkers, friends and within your family some tensions and conflicts can arise, forcing you to escape the reality and flee. As far as possible, try to solve issue and face the heat. For the ones in education, there can be many obstacles so it’s necessary now to channelize your energies in one direction and strictly avoid any distractions. Though with blessings of Jupiter many of you can pursue higher education and can even fly to foreign countries for it .Many of you can plan baby, though precaution should be taken if you decide to go for it and time till August 2015 is good for it. Financially, it’s time to take caution and spend very wisely .The essence should be understood here to tackle this period in most effective manner.

Sadesaati gives issues not because Saturn is evil or God is punishing you, but because Saturn has been assigned the task to keep a record of all Karmas of each individual. Sadesaati is special time allotted to Mighty Saturn to go back in time and bring back those Karma to the surface whose results are pending(depending on your level of conscious, this can also include rewards and extremely good events).So during Sadesaati you see your own Karmas in full action, before your eyes. Saturn is like a judge sitting at the top just going through your file and announcing your course of action and events through which you have to exhaust your deeds. So if you are really serious about rising in this period, do not blame Saturn, it’s foolish and pointless. Saturn wants to clean negativity in you by bringing it to visible world. Accept the challenge and cooperate with it, you will come out as a winner in the end. Do not fear the change and challenge, jump into the fierce action and surrender yourself to the Higher will and follow the most righteous path as your senses understand and allow.This is the period of greatest inner transformation that a human life can witness .It’s the time to make your own heroic story, that you will proudly narrate with shine in your eyes when you will look back in time.

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