Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Aquarius Moon sign

Saturn transit for you bring gradual change and shift in your focus areas. Saturn now moves to your tenth house from Moon, which now is grand scheme to bring your work, career to limelight. Saturn will now exercise great level of control over you as many important areas will come under its scanner.Impact areas are many and almost all of them are critical part of your life .Lets have a look how Saturn movement to Scorpio is going to affect you.

The first and foremost impact will be seen in your work and at workplace. How your individual time periods are aligned will determine exact nature of effect but talking in generic sense your work life will come under limelight now .Many of you who were thinking to change the job for better ,this is the perfect time.Time till August 2015 is perfect to make a big jump in search of better prospects. Those who decide to stay in their present job, they will have to take up additional responsibilities, which can also mean a rise in your current role .For some of you this movement of Saturn will activate process of inquiry within and it can also give you possible shift in your work line itself. For those who are seriously pondering over making a big jump in their careers,2015 is the year to go for it.In context of work ,there can be possible change in location too and coming out of your comfort zone will become necessity now. One of the important feature of this transit should be given attention,its Saturn’s desire to have a relook at the way you work, your approach .If individual time period pattern is not supportive for career jump then a period of stagnation, where you will need to work extremely hard ,might come forcing you to restructure your approach.

Another important manifestation of this transit is that your focus will come at your family. There will be many important issues that need to be sorted out now. Single people can now expect a serious relationship developing in their lives and there could a possible churning that could take place which can include breaking away of some old bonds and attachments .Causal approach in personal life won’t work now and you actually need to put genuine efforts in resolution of pending matters. Some of you can leave your present place for better job and prosperity prospects which mean a period of isolation from your family. Saturn wants you to realize the importance of your hard work and for the ones who are conscious enough, there will be actual realization of difference between hard work, smart work,working half-heartedly and not working at all.

In terms of your finances, time looks fine and Saturn doesn’t bring any warning signals. This is the time when life might seem to come to a standstill with nothing happening at all or happening at extremely slow pace(hence not recognizable).Though you might feel the suffocation, it should be remembered that your efforts will be accumulated and not even a single day of effort will be lost its just that results will not be visible as of now(this is specially applicable 2016 onwards).These accumulated efforts will pay you handsomely in future and you should not leave faith.

In deeper sense this transit is all set to bring fundamental changes in your thought process. What is necessary, what is superficial ,what should stay in your life and what should leave, such inner thought process will be activated .For the ones who are not ready (or do not want )to cooperate in such cycle of change ,they might find Saturn challenging. You will be able to see the inner core of things which will enable you to choose the best and let go of unwanted stuff from your life ,be it in your room or your subconscious mind. This transit also brings the opportunity to work for noble causes and rise above your limited self and work for the masses. Participate in the act of purification and optimization of your working methods and psyche ,Saturn will now prepare you (gradually and mildly) for the better times ahead.

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