Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Leo Moon sign

The times of great reshuffling and restructuring are here for Leo people, Saturn arrives in your fourth house from the Moon, activating the great churning within and around you. Impact areas are numerous and this is one of the place where transit is much misunderstood and simply feared on the face, so to comprehend it better and completely we have to increase the limits of our mind. Let’s explore the manifestation of this transit, from gross outer world to the deep within the psyche of Leo Moon sign individuals.

On outer levels in visible world there are many new things and events that are now ready to unfold themselves. This is the best time to invest in lands and properties, specifically till the august 2015.Depending on your current state, you could get property in inheritance, or you can take decision to build house of your own, or simply buy or invest in it. This is also the time to get a new vehicle in your family and next year is best time for it.This is the time to break the inertia and allow change in your life, so a change in current place of residence is very much possible and relocation to different city or different country too is foreseen.Not just change in location ,this is very ideal time for traveling around the world as Saturn here likes to throw one completely outside the comfort zone and exposing one to different culture and people is one of the typical trait of Saturn.

 In terms of your finances ,time is fine and Saturn does bring you some strong advice .Invest, spend, lend your money with caution, this is the time to preserve what you have gained till now ,this is the time to focus on your savings .Though there are big expenses that seem to lined up and many responsibilities on you which will squeeze big amount from your pocket, this certainly does not allow you to be casual in the way to deal with your money.In terms of your health, time is for practicing care and caution and Saturn here wants you to become conscious of your food habits. This is very good time to indulge in regular exercise, proactively build a fresh routine for yourself. Indulging in practice of Pranayaam is best for counterbalancing the restrictive tendencies of Saturn and to allow more Pranic force inside your mind-body complex.

Change is also seen at your workplace and more effort and consciousness will be required in whatever you are doing, but this is not something insane burden being imposed on you without any specific reason(In fact nothing is without a reason when it comes to Mighty Saturn).Saturn needs you to pay attention to what you are doing and its motive can be many, like to make you excel in whatever you are doing through optimizing your actions by bringing your weakness to the surface(hence the ‘pain’ associated with this transit).Next Saturn can also show bring sudden break in your work or even in work line for something bigger and better, which you won’t be able to see or sense right now.Going into deeper aspects of this transit now become necessary to understand its real essence.
Fourth house is inner core of you ,its like your very own room in your house, your private corner,your dumping ground. Saturn transiting here means digging deep in this dark and personal zone of yours and initiation of process of cleansing for you.Many of your old beliefs ,shortcomings and dogmas can come to surface now, Saturn will now expose your weak points ,there will be events in your life which will force you to react with lowest qualities possible and hence giving a way to realization that do you possess them. Mess within and around you is chance for you to recognize negativity and work for rising above it.It all depends on what conscious level you are on and what intent and attitude you garner. Saturn is not interested in afflicted pain on you, or on anyone, it just wants to uplift you and make you a better human being, but this a process which can involve pain and if one fix his or her attention on pain itself,then Saturn is not to be blamed here, its actually your limited scope of mind which is unable to comprehend miraculous and infinite way in which this Great Spiritualizing agent works for your evolution .Needless to say this transit is brilliant for Spiritual practices and for working on the Self .In fact this is the most important trait of Saturn which will become active now provided you have receptors for that. Words of Buddha will be apt to conclude, If you are facing pain and trouble in life, there are still reasons to be cheerful as your pot of destined suffering is getting emptier day by day. This is the time to dive deeper and become a new you ,great transformative times are here.

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