Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Libra Moon sign

Saturn transit for Libra Moon sign people bring great relief as their Sadesaati  now enters into third and last phase ,which is less tormenting as compared to initial years. Saturn now goes way from your Moon sign ,and results would shows as less burden inside you .There will  feeling of lightness and though your troubles and challenges cannot be said to end completely, this transit is sure to mark a new era in your life. Impact areas are many and Saturn brings you relief along with caution .Open minded approach should be taken for the signs where Saturn is making direct impact, hence its required for you guys to be highly open minded and receptive to fully understand and appreciate message of Saturn. Saturn doesn’t want to give you mindless pain, all it wants is your attention.

Saturn moving out of your Moon sign will first get reflected in your health. Your health is bound to bounce back now and those of you who are on medication, medicines will start to affect more now. Now any effort given towards betterment of health would give you results, unlike before where efforts were going in vain .Greatest influence of this transit is perhaps felt on inner mind, how one feels .Your Sadesaati now getting into last phase marks the rewinding phase, where you journey for revival will begin ,though gradually .You would start to gain some form of mental balance and relief in your heart will translate into better peace and harmony at home as compared to earlier times. The heaviness in heart and dullness in mind will ease out and you will find inspiration to move on. Next impact is most important as it relates to your work and finances.

Now amount of effort that you put in your work will start to yield results and slowly but surely your growth will resume .Though again it should be understood that you are not completely free from clutches of Saturn, but at the same time there is no reason in the world to mourn now ,to feel restricted. The major test of Saturn is now over and for those in job ,they can expect things to fall in place and their actions getting recognized. Trend of extreme slogging and delay in results without any reason will now start to fade .New opportunities in your job and business are on their way and you should not lose hope at all. Time beyond July 2015 will pick up the pace and good growth in career can surely be expected and even promotion and rise at work and expansion in business can is foreseen. Another important impact is that your travels(aimless wanderings) will reduce now.
Your finances will also grow ,though with slow pace as Saturn is itself in sector of wealth from your Moon which means this Mighty planet now wants you to learn importance of money and develop discipline in financial matters. But there is also arrival of good news here which should not be ignored, and in fact cannot be .Time from now till August 2015 is quite relaxed and with the grace of Jupiter ,your financial status is now all set to improve drastically .Expect new and old sources of income to get aligned. Any major investment if needed should be done in early part of next year itself ,though talking in very generic sense any major investment during Sadesaati should be avoided. The main element here once understood can give you all the power. Its awareness of how religiously you are dealing with your money.

In overall sense Librans will feel calm and relief to great extent and this is the time when Saturn will free you often and take your small tests whether you have really learnt the lessons of the past or not. Remember that your behaviour in public life should not be outrageous and now you should remain careful in your commitments and what you say to others and how you express your inner feelings. There could be small family disputes that you need to tackle now and do not get tempted to get into fight with your loved ones. Saturn also wants you to learn the importance of family and home, and Saturn likes to give lesson from the opposite end so it might create conditions for your isolation, but its all for your learning and realization .Once you get your acts rights ,put yourself genuinely to the action and follow highest level of ethics in your personal and professional life, grip of Saturn will begin to loosen up. Time is now to stand up and start performing ,drought has ended now and your efforts will not go in vain. Gradual growth and mental clarity along with better finances and family happiness is seen, all what is required is your patience. Keep working towards your goal ,in fact with better enthusiasm now. Sunrise might not appear as of now, but notice at the horizon ,the signs of dawn have started to appear.
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