Jupiter transit to Aqaurius : Impact on Virgo sign


Overview of transit

Jupiter transit for Virgo sign people stands for time for changes, mostly challenging ones needing great determination and vision. Jupiter bring your focus to stagnant, complex matters of your life where your attention has to be given now. Anything unnecessary, beyond karmic level and limit will end now. This transit signifies cutting down of all what is unnecessary, bringing back your attention to priorities .Essence is taking responsibility of your actions and stepping up beyond your preferences in order to grow.

Expansion areas

Rise in work will come. There can be promotions, better work environment, rise, changes of job coming up. Though it will come via much efforts, some delay will be there and you can also face intense pressure before situation feels to be in your favor.

This is good transit for better financial status .Inflow will rise, you can get some amount from past investments, from family and long term investments will be made now.

Travels though are less, but some prominent travel opportunities can come, especially Spiritually significant ones.

You will get close to your family and feel secure and happy .Some of your family relations will become better.

Your ability to work hard will increase.

Your social relations will improve gradually.

Challenges ahead

Overall pressure in family, work will rise which can lead to stress, frustration and health can be directly impacted.

Career can face phases of low, your worth can be questioned and job security can fall. There can be sudden career lows and you can feel threatened at times.

Higher expenses and lesser clarity about how your life is going to settle down. You can feel directionless and as if you need to slog, sacrifice yourself entirely for something or someone. Self-esteem, respect can decline as demands, expectations will rise and your worth can be neglected for some time.

Health will need continuous attention.

Overall family harmony can fluctuate a lot. This transit can bring some hidden, neglected grudges, old issues and even some traumas back in focus which will have to be faced now. Its transit to face what’s neglected and suppressed for long.

Your image can become dull and unless you work on maintaining it, your reputation among others can fall rapidly.

What needs to be done

You need consistency. This is of prime importance. You need to accept and understand what’s important to you and then work for it.

You need higher patience levels as things will first go in randomness mode before clarity emerges.

Higher level of dedication and intense hard work will be required if you want to grow. This means you will have to work longer, family expectations will rise and you can feel peaceful and stable when you actually do what’s required. You cannot simply talk and expect things to change. You need action and that too matching demands and situations. This is most critical aspect as resistance to act, feeling threatened by pressure situations and attitude of others can disappoint you leading to phase of inaction.

You strictly need to work towards your better health. This means not neglecting signals from your body and taking up any treatment or simply a better life style to tackle any health issues.

Greater control of money and better time management is critically needed now. You really cannot be peaceful unless you consciously control where your time, energy is going.

Spiritual journey

Your beliefs will be tested, you can face time and energy shortage to fulfill your routine and duties. At level of desire and intention you might remain strong but external situations can create obstacles in your path. Spiritually, this transit can block your growth for a while .Do not mourn, crib, rather understand that you have to fulfill your duties, sort your life, give that time to your work and family members before you can get back to your daily regime and steadiness in your beliefs again. Only lesson for you is not to resist what life is bringing and not feel threatened if you feel stagnant. Things will get back to normal after phase of randomness and obstacles.

Heart of the matter :

Transit analysis is from Moon sign.

Jupiter remains in Aquarius approximately for year. From April 2021 to April 2022.Though in between it will again go back to Capricorn sign for approx. two months time, from mid-September to mid-November.

Very important to note that these patterns are of generic in nature .Actual results will vary due to individual charts, their own time patterns.


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