Jupiter transit to Aqaurius : Impact on Scorpio sign


Overview of transit

Jupiter transit for Scorpio sign people is going to bring back focus, priorities, dedication, but events leading up to all these can be testing. Jupiter transit indicates life changing events but needing you to take charge. Essence of this transit is rising pressure, need of high commitment and hard work in order to achieve your goals. Though growth at all levels is certainly assured as well .Jupiter will wait and watch initially and will bless you in later part of the transit.

Expansion areas

Rise in work, job changes, expansion of work can come.

This is good time for gains from properties, fixed assets will rise and good time to buy vehicles as well.

Those who are eligible will also get inherited money, assets and greater help from family will come.

Intense Spiritual shifts, shattering of beliefs will finally lead to stable calm personal growth and thought process. Clarity will come to you about what’s important to you and what’s not.

It can bring many travels as well. For those eligible, this transit can also give foreign travel and migration.

Financially this is rewarding time and increase in wealth, greater enjoyment of what you have and easy flow of wealth will come.

Challenges ahead

Expenses will rise. Though financially this is good time, you will also see rise in expenses which can become intense at times.

Health will need care and you can experience many ups-down. There can even be phases of panic but situation will remain tolerable.

Health of elders in family, especially mother can cause deeper concerns. Health of other family members, siblings can also need care.

There can be some uncomfortable family matters, some conflicts, old issues coming to focus which can make you highly uneasy. These issues will come to surface and have to be dealt with. This transit in deeper sense signifies clearing up which is accumulated for long. It means both mess in your house, in your relationships, in your body and also old ,rotten and irrelevant beliefs and routine. By end of this transit you will feel lighter, better and more relevant, practical ideologically but the process generated by this transit can cause feeling of being directionless and blank.

Career matters is another challenging aspect. Work life can go through stagnation, you can be assigned more work, pressure will rise and so does working hours. Also you can feel irrelevant, lagging which can create fear about job security and your worth itself. Career can see many ups-down. Changes in work if desired can need lot of patience and intense preparation along with other sacrifices.

At home you can be expected to take up bigger roles, your duties will increase which can create a sense of burden and pressure in your constantly.

Some of your relationships with close family members can become sour and will go through disturbance.

Relocation can come as well which can cause unrest. Some of you might move to places which can create repulsion in you. Settling down at new place is also a challenge ,though it entirely depends on whether you take it in explorative sense or as hostile event.

What needs to be done

Flexibility is foremost key word for you. This transit is extremely fluid like. This represents a state of transition which means you can feel as if nothing is fixed ,you are on the move and life is unstable. This will need adapting to current life state without getting stuck at any level or emotion.

Patience with family members and openness to discuss family level issues. This is the transit where you have to deal with some difficult family member or bring out some neglected or suppressed matter. This will also need courage. At times you will have to accept your faults too.

Control on expenses and your energy both are highly needed. Cut down excessive flow wherever possible.

Health should be given high priority, now there might not be severe health issues but the suddenness, huge swings can irritate you. This transit represents real time possibility to end some of your past health issues, all that is needed is sincere attention and not giving up when it seems random and meaningless.

Spiritual journey

This is quite confusing transit for your belief system and Spiritual practices can go in background. Your Spiritual growth can be suspended for some time and even you can go backwards. You can neglect truths,  you can neglect the lessons learnt in past. So in a way this is time to re learn but this can happen via moving to extreme. In nutshell you need not push things too far, do not become rebellious for no reason. Maintain dignity in all of your interactions and actions. Spiritually this is blank time, just make sure you are not losing values unnecessarily.

Heart of the matter :

Transit analysis is from Moon sign.

Jupiter remains in Aquarius approximately for year. From April 2021 to April 2022.Though in between it will again go back to Capricorn sign for approx. two months time, from mid-September to mid-November.

Very important to note that these patterns are of generic in nature .Actual results will vary due to individual charts, their own time patterns.


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