Jupiter transit to Aquarius : Impact on Pisces sign


Overview of transit

Jupiter transit for Pisces sign people stands for time for major changes, shifts in life. Such changes are applicable in almost all areas which means time for job changes, change of place, change in thought process, priorities, schedule. Its time to handle many temporary feelings and phases. This is phase of transition where you work according to long term vision and not for your immediate gains. Time to work according to your values and vision.

Expansion areas

Best results will be felt in gain of assets. This is good time for buying lands, investing in lands, real estate, vehicles etc. Those who are eligible can also gain from inheritance.

There will be better events at home and some events can cheer you up. This means whether you see it immediately or not, events at home will bring harmony.

Travels can be many. Those who are looking to move to foreign lands, migration possibilities are strongest now and process can be initiated now.

Those looking for any major changes in work, work field can make a jump .It means moving to new city ,new country ,to new work field. Though this strictly needs well preparation before hand.

Challenges ahead

Work life can go through many lows. There can be situations of job insecurity. Work life atmosphere can become hostile, professional relationships very volatile. For those having weaker personal time pattern too, this can even lead to loss of jobs or simply disturbing events at work causing troubles.

This is also weak transit for your image. You can go through many conflicts at work, within family and mainly in your social life which can create immense isolation.This means you can become isolated, much of your time have to be devoted in sorting your life and introspecting your approach in past so that you can improve your future.

Health can decline in this transit. Some old health issues can come back now. It is also the time where new issues can take birth. Expenses can rise majorly now on health issues.

Wealth outflow can increase immensely. This transit in its essence stands for huge outflow of overall life force, energy, time, wealth. The purpose might or might not be intentional.

This transit actually stands for a huge transition phase. There can be feeling of being directionless, life moving randomly and not been able to achieve aim as expected.

What needs to be done

You should remain very open for career position and changes. It means there should not be any rigid expectations. For eg. you should remain open to take up lower roles or positions not really as per expectation if your job security is low.

There should also be good flexibility in terms of place. You should remain open for travels, change of place .It is likely to move to places which are not as per your expectations. Have faith such temporary position, place, financial state won’t last for long. Remember its all transitory.

Take everything as learning experience rather than cribbing about how things are not as per your plans.

If you have the attitude for enjoying the experience, taking lessons and not blaming anyone or anything, then you can learn huge in this transit. Essence of this phase is giving you lot of experiences and hints as to how you can grow ahead. Pain will come only when you try to hold on hard.

Spiritual journey

This can be phase of importance but only for genuine Spiritual aspirants who know how to handle small dull phases. Generally speaking, this phase can cause blankness ,loss of identity, lack of beliefs and feeling rebellious at times .Only lesson for you is to flow with time, you really cannot hold on to anything and even trying to hold on to lesson will not be possible. So your main task is to keep generating space for life to flow, do not resist anything, flow, just flow with what’s coming your way.

Heart of the matter :

Transit analysis is from Moon sign.

Jupiter remains in Aquarius approximately for year. From April 2021 to April 2022.Though in between it will again go back to Capricorn sign for approx. two months time, from mid-September to mid-November.

Very important to note that these patterns are of generic in nature .Actual results will vary due to individual charts, their own time patterns.


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