Jupiter transit to Aquarius : Impact on Taurus sign


Overview of transit

Jupiter transit for Taurus sign people is going to bring some challenging, some desired and some surprising changes in life .These changes will be in context of work life, home environment, role that you play there and how everything happening around changes your psyche and perception. Its not easy transit in the beginning as it demands movement outside comfort zone, but is rewarding towards the end if you stay committed.

Expansion areas

You will see changes in work, rise, promotions and getting desired jobs, though after passing through phase of struggle or intense preparation.

There will certainly be rise in wealth. This transit is best to bring much wealth, gains from real estate, buying new house, vehicles. New long term investments will be made. Its healthy transit for increase in your salary, savings and assets all.

This transit will also help you gain better health, sound state and greater discipline and awareness .So good health ,bounce back in case of any old health issues. This also includes protection in any legal matters as well. So time to get strength in case you have been stuck somewhere.

You can also see end of some old family matters, conflicts and differences between family members. Though it won’t come naturally, but due to invention of someone elder or through your own intense efforts.

On broader level you will also see better decision making and will develop far greater vision. This is blessing of this transit as it will lead to better understanding of some relations, some people and some events in clear way. Expansion in your consciousness and ability to see through things will be given to you.

Challenges ahead

This transit does have element of struggle in it, but not without giving you gains. The most challenging aspect is need of immense hard work. Jupiter will first test your commitment levels, will demand commitment and your discipline will be tested numerous times.

Its tiring transit when it comes to how soon your wishes are fulfilled .It means more time taken to achieve desired job ,buy assets or settle down in new job/place .Element of wait and slow pace of transit will surely test you.

Your place of residence can also be changed. So relocation patterns are strong. Such changes mostly can be unpleasant or at least can invoke fear in you initially. Settling down at new place and in new work environment (or simply in duties being assigned to you at work/home) can take more than expected time ,hence generate frustration.

Family atmosphere can be testing as well and health of parents, elders at home will surely need care .This transit can demand far greater attention at home and you might be given more duties, higher responsibilities and basically it can be time to step up, leaving your older version.

What needs to be done

You should prepare yourself mentally to tackle more work, longer working hours. Any career growth will come only when you are truly committed and maintain consistency.

Getting irritated and demotivated by pressure, lack of growth, hostile work environment and fear of new places, new duties can be most challenging aspect. So you need to be firm. Fire of your ambition and desires should be way higher than obstacles. Preparation should not scare you.

Be ready to be mature version of yourself. You will have to take up more work, additional responsibilities without any resistance or excessive attachments to your older self. Now is the time to assume higher roles and see life, people, your work in more mature, unbiased ways.

You will also have to be extra disciplined and sensible in order for your wealth to grow. So save when you can. This transit can truly make you learn value of money, despite inflow of wealth being good.

The essence of this transit for you is being more proactive, alert and responsible. Jupiter is here to bless you ,but will wait initially, will check your commitment levels silently and its during this silent testing phase that you can feel as if nothing is moving. Though once you remain dedicated and do what’s needed, Jupiter is sure to bless you .So this transit can be said to be conditional ,your growth and rise strictly depends on how eager you are for success, how willing you are to work hard .Remember success has a price and its not for everyone.

Spiritual journey

Spiritually this is blank transit and doesn’t have much to offer. In fact if you are on Spiritual path ,this can be testing time .In accordance to theme outlined above, this transit will also test your willingness for Spiritual growth .So blessings on Spiritual path will only be given in case your intent is pure ,you are working daily and you do not get stuck at lower inferior qualities. This transit can bring back lessons already learnt in some form of events, make sure you do not fall .Once you show that you are applying knowledge you have, doors for future lessons and growth will be smoothly opened for you.

Heart of the matter :

Transit analysis is from Moon sign.

Jupiter remains in Aquarius approximately for year. From April 2021 to April 2022.Though in between it will again go back to Capricorn sign for approx. two months’ time, from mid-September to mid-November.

Very important to note that these patterns are of generic in nature. Actual results will vary due to individual charts, their own time patterns.


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