The Sunday Sip [ 24th - 30th April 2022 ]



Good times and you are seen to take breaks now. Vacations, pleasure, seeking fun, rest and rejuvenation is essence of these times. You will shop, will plan trips and foreign travels are favoured as well. Good times to take love matters ahead. This seems a good, fun filled, easy week for you which will bring lot of happy moments. Take good care of yourself, your loved ones but don’t forget when you need to act and complete your duties.


Very good week for you. You will bounce back from many fears, trauma and this week sets pattern of new energy, new beginnings. Feel free to start anything new, to step into new relation, to take your relation ahead ,to take any bold moves in career ,to spend money in investments or simply to follow your heart .Now you have reached a stage where Universe is ready to bless you and results of past hard work and patience will come now. Stay humble and use this time to be at your peak best.


This is a very balanced week for you. It ends patterns of those small uncomfortable voices within and now you will reach a stage of peace, where you will accept somethings as such. Work matters will shine, you are going to be blessed with desired outcome and as per your current state and intention ,your career will go exactly where you want it to go. Major career moves, events, breakthroughs are highly likely now. Financially its time to see great inflow and prosperity is now returning in your life .Enjoy responsibly.


Time to bounce back. This week ends small health, family issues and you will feel light and free.Times ahead show major career growth, new positive trends at work and even some events beyond your perception which can bring expansion in your life. You will travel, have fun, will meet friends, your thought process will expand and you will experience bliss in family .This is one of the finest times in recent past to plan your future, your career and family ,finance matters as well .In essence you will feel as if you are in total control and this sense will allow you to take bold moves.


Focus is now on money, yourself, your home, your needs ,luxuries ,ease of living and happiness in general. You will spend a lot, will spend good time with family and friends and there are short trips as well .Now focus is also work and pending matters will regain focus and you will do well. Its also end of useless political issues at work and conflicting atmosphere. This week sets you free to pursue what you want. Good times for having fun, living a happy, carefree life and also setting things right at workplace.


Very welcome week for you as you are now ready to bounce back on almost all fronts. This week brings clarity and main highlight is end of sensitive patterns and no longer you are at major risk. Health and confidence improves, some old conflict ,legal matter can end and you will get solution of most of your problems .Its time to rise ,work smartly and get back to track of prosperity in stable manner. Memorable, very enjoyable trips are on the way. You are also going to shop happily. Good times are back.


Good times continue and even gets better. This is very good time to focus on family, health and your finances .It means you will get some time to focus on important areas and your financial concerns will be dealt well. Your worries will tone down, you continue to travel and meet new people. Now you need to be more careful in handling people at work as pattern of work politics is seems to be making a comeback, but you will have upper hand. Some health concern of past can end now.


You are moving towards a state of fine balance. This is very positive week and it will bring good health, good mental health, ability to take firm stand and your vision seems at its finest. This all means you can take long term relevant decisions now, which will involve some minor sacrifices. Very good time to learn new skills ,matters of love life looks in focus and your health improves greatly. There are going to be many travels and many sudden plans here and there. This seems hectic week but mostly productive.


This is week of great consolidation. This means you will get immense inner strength ,clarity and you will revisit your goals now. You will act decisively and this week looks busy but very efficient. Matters of home will be dealt well, you seem in control and some old home, family related affairs seems to be on closure now which will lead to great joy. Workload can remain too high and some official matters, seniors can pressurize you, but things will work well despite all this.


This week brings relief on many levels. Excessive work pressure stabilizes, some of your fears ends and this is what is best. This week ends patterns of baseless fears and you will able to gain your calm. Happiness in family and some celebrations are possible. Trips with family ,friends are possible and will come as sudden, but very pleasant .Its your time to enjoy, take it easy and meet people, speak your mind and have good fun .Just make sure you are totally committed and sincere in your career matters.


Good times. You will enjoy a lot, with family, friends and after a long phase you will find your calm. You will feel relaxed, confident, happy and focus comes back on self, family, loved ones and you will be able to end some of past conflicts. Financially you are entering into very bright times which can end your past concerns in next few weeks .Very good time to take control of your life and get decisive in terms of your health, diet, relationships, finances and how you are using your time. You have time and bandwidth now, use it for the best.


Better times for you. Excessive outflow of energy, time and money stops now. You will still get many travels but now you seem under control. Good time to focus on priorities of life. Good health, better confidence are back. Now the main focus can be your home, your relationships, love life and those looking to take next step in love matters can surely move ahead .Travels, trips, connections will continue. Make promises very cautiously. 

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The Sunday Sip [ 13th - 19th October 2024 ]

  Aries Time to get to work without excuses. Phase of relaxation, ease is now closing and this week brings patterns for sharp rise in wo...