Jupiter transit to Pisces : Impact on Libra sign


Expansion areas

This is a decently good transit for Libra sign people. Jupiter transit in Pisces will bring inner strength, courage, focus and growth in your life with end of obstacles. This is the essence for you.

Job changes are certain now. Long stagnation, wait in your work life is now ready to end. You will see clear, well defined and desired growth. This means getting promotions if looking for, needed job change and role changes if applicable. Career will grow and hard work of past will give you results.

Wealth growth is also part of this transit. With good and steady hard work, you will see rise in wealth. Your earnings and savings both will grow at good pace. This is a very warm transit assuring you both career and wealth growth. Apart from it, you will also see good name, appreciation coming your way, even from people who criticized you in past. Your patience, integrity will win now.

This is also the transit to shine at work. Your approach ,behavior and values will be rewarded .People will recognize your talents and you can even earn fame .Some of you can even get awards for your performance. This transit will prove you how patience and being honest pays in longer run.

If other factors are favorable in individual charts, then this transit also shows possibilities for foreign travels and even migration. Spiritual travels, many personal trips are going to come as well.

Some of you can even get interested in socket work. Your life conditions and experiences can invoke desire to help others .For few of you this transit can lead up to social activities, getting inspired with bigger cause and ultimately helping people.

Any health issues of past will move towards closure with continued medication. Jupiter is well placed now to give you closures in any pending health ,emotional or legal matters.

Challenges ahead

This transit is no doubt very blessing for you but will ask you to prove your worth at every step. New career opportunities will be very challenging ,growth will be given to you but will need you to perform well without excuses.

Higher work pressure, intensely hectic schedule and lack of time for personal space are seen.

Your relationships can suffer to some extent owing to lack to time and also attention. Your health too seems slightly impacted owing to lack of attention, higher stress but this is only a minor aspect.

Expenses can now shoot high. Family needs ,expenses on health of self ,family members, on travels etc are going to come now.

If you are too careless and blunt ,then you can invite new health issues and legal matters. But this is strictly applicable if you are very casual and do not care about consequences of your actions.

What needs to be done

You need hard work ,a lot of hard work. Past patterns were of stagnation and tensions from many other fronts. Now career growth opportunities will be open for you and all that you need to do is focus on them and work hard. You might have forgotten how to focus well in one area. This is where you need to work. You need to make career your top priority now.

The most important point for you is to develop sincerity. Owing to intensely scattered life in recent past, you might have lost your desire to grow .Remember now Jupiter is ready to bless you but without sincerity ,will to achieve, will to move ahead and sort your career, nothing significant will occur .So you really need to know where you want to reach ,what is that which you want to achieve. Aims should be clear to you and you also need willingness.

Contrary to your social nature, now is the time to focus solely on self. As far as possible stay away from drama, becoming too emotional, playing victim ,trying to impress others or getting into blames games. Don’t work to prove anyone wrong, don’t hold on to grudges. Remember that the focus should remain you, and not the other. The best of this transit can be derived when you make yourself top priority and measure your progress time to time.

Remember, no one is going to save you .You are your own responsibility and whatever challenges ,suffering you are having right now are consequences of your own intentions and actions in past. So drop the need to blame anyone or waiting something or someone to save you. Sense of total ownership is absolutely important and super critical for you to adopt.

Spiritual journey

This is intensely focused transit on improving career ,image ,your attitude and wealth. Spiritual lessons will not be direct which means its not the time to pursue Spiritual practices. Lessons, wisdom will rather come entangled in your day to day activities ,from doing what it takes and mostly by learning to handle your inner demons .It means you will have to face your weakness, your disorganized mind many times .Main lesson for you is apply your wisdom in improving yourself as a person by handling your aggression, your naive nature at times and majorly your tendency to become emotionally charged when rational attitude is needed. So Spiritual growth will come by core practical living. Its time to apply what you have learnt through books or past practices. Its show time.

Heart of the matter

Jupiter will remain in Pisces sign from 13th April 2022 to 21 April 2023

These articles are applicable mainly from Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature. How actually it spans out will depend on your individual charts and time. These articles represent broader scheme of things.



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