Jupiter transit to Pisces : Impact on Capricorn sign


Expansion areas

For Capricorn sign people, Jupiter transit symbolizes balance, moving to mainstream life and greater exposure .This transit has more of qualitative impact on you, as most of the events will expand your mind ,will bring majorly new experiences and will cause expansion of your wisdom ,skills and social circle.

Job changes are not really favoured now. Changes in job ,promotions can only occur if your individual charts is favouring it strongly. This transit in itself focused more on improvement in quality of your work. So your productivity is going to shoot up.

This is however a blessed time for the ones in business fields or working independently. Business will see expansion, more clients, better returns and better networking will cause major upward trends .Those in creative, media, writing, publishing ,education ,consultancy fields will experience great ideas, visibility and will get better growth platforms.

This is good time to get married for those looking for. This transit favours expansion of your social circle. You will meet new people, old friends will make their presence felt often and you will feel secured and happy with connections getting revived. Your overall family ,friend circle, social life is going to get much happening.

There will be numerous travels coming up. They will be work related, personal ones, religious trips, you will remain much occupied in visiting many new places.

For the ones having relocation favouring in their individual charts ,this transit also favours moving to new place, but this pattern is not very strong.

Financially this is decently good time for you but you will be able to save more as well. Gains from selling assets, properties can also come now.

Challenges ahead

There aren’t any major challenges ahead. This is more of easy transit for you bringing in connections, higher movement, exposure and network.

Challenges to some extent can come in maintaining pace in work life. You can feel less motivated at times and can become exhausted often. Work life can lack excitement or visible growth which can frustrate you at times.

Life can become hectic. Your schedule seems very tight ,there will be many activities which will demand your attention. You can feel as if you have become limelight suddenly.

Few professional relationships issues, conflicts with seniors, management at work is possible, but you will sail through well.

What needs to be done

You need to prepare yourself for busy schedule. This will mean taking some health supplements, remaining available for sudden trips ,plans and longer working hours as well.

You need to open up yourself for new connections as well .Its time that you become social and meet people freely. This transit will end your past isolation.

You need to drop your inhibitions, your assumptions and past impressions about people and relationships as this transit will bring many new bonds. This in context of marriage means getting ready in the sense for starting new phase of life. Essence is doing things with whole heart.

Take good care of health of elders at home. Also listen to advice of elders well.

Spiritual journey

This is a light transit for you. There is not much in it when it comes to leaning much. Anyway with ongoing Sadesaati, there is still immense leaning coming up but this Jupiter transit in itself will lighten you up and will diversify your energies .You will travel ,will meet people, will have fun, will have new colourful experiences which will all expand your consciousness. At outer level you will do many rituals this year but Jupiter in itself doesn’t hint at any major Spiritual event.

Heart of the matter

Jupiter will remain in Pisces sign from 13th April 2022 to 21 April 2023.

These articles are applicable mainly from Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature. How actually it spans out will depend on your individual charts and time. These articles represent broader scheme of things.




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