Jupiter transit to Pisces : Impact on Aries sign


Expansion areas

This transit signifies gains of heavy in nature of long-term relevance. You can gain from family, your parents, other family members can give you money, those eligible can also get inherited wealth and assets. You can also gain from past investments, selling lands, assets and getting your stuck money back .Your finical worth will rise.

This is brilliant transit for major gains from lands, properties. So heavy gains from real estate are seen ahead. You can also invest in real estate for long term profit.

Travels and movement are key essence of this transit. You will move, will be on the go. You can move to new city, even new country. For those looking for migration and are in process or yet to start the process, success is assured without doubt. Its time for you to start a new life at new place.

You will gain many new habits, you will get intensely new exposure and understanding which will help you leave many rotten patterns and start living a highly productive life. Change of life patterns towards healthy regime is seen in this transit time.

The best of this transit is in Spiritual sense. This is amazing time for anyone wanting to learn, go deep into any form of understating and get disciplined in Spiritual practices. In this context you can have numerous trips to Spiritual places ,you can even live in ashram or any such significant place, can meet your Guru ,can get initiated into Higher knowledge.

Challenges ahead

This transit signifies movement and displacement at both physical and mental levels. It means much hectic life ,schedule, even sense of randomness and feeling of discomfort. Settling at new place will take time and you will feel outside your comfort zone for a while.

Expenses are also going to shoot very high. In fact if not planned and if disciplined is not kept, this transit can cause heavy losses or to say wealth drain due to wealth mismanagement.

Some minor health issues will need medication and even surgery, but all for the good and health ahead.

Some of the relationships in family, with your friends and even in love life can end now. This transit symbolize a wrap up time, a cycle getting completed which will bring end to some close bonds as their karma with you will be over.

Changes in job, working on some temporary jobs and not getting sense of permanency in work life ,feeling as if you are in transition and career is not at the desired place .Career will go through one or even many transitions in this transit.

 What needs to be done

Don’t attach yourself to anyplace, any job, any image or any relation too rigidly. This is easier said than done, but essence of this transit is change, moving ahead and you have to understand that holding on unnecessarily will bring pain. Not all aspects will change, but its certain that some aspects will change forever now .So be ready and willing to move on.

Be aware about your body signals .You need to listen and respect what your mind, gut feeling is saying to you. It will lead you to some form of medication process but you will get healed very quickly. So don’t resist taking up therapy ,if applicable to you. It also means that many of you will feel need to change medication process, healing therapies and if you feel so then go for it without a second thought.

Its also time to take up healthy regime and take out time for organizing your life for better health, better feel, better productivity .It will mean cutting some unhealthy habits and saying bye to some bad ,toxic patterns(be it people ,your eating habits, addictions etc ).At personal level you are now at level of transforming yourself through deep acknowledgement and action.

Its also time to pay attention to some of pending family matters .Be it house renovation, buying some major stuff for family needs, listening to needs of family member or working towards end of some family level conflict. Your attention and intention are needed in streamlined way.

Spiritual journey

The best of this transit is placed in your Spiritual, personal growth. You will become calm centered because you will realize many small to big truths. Knowledge will come to you.

You can meet Guru ,can get moving deep into Spiritual path .Its finest time for anyone wanting to go deeper into self.

The might of this transit lies in the fact that you will be able to process the realizations, lessons ,truths of many many past years .So in a way this transit will give a birth to new you at deep mental/emotional and Spiritual levels .You will finally understand some aspects now.


Heart of the matter

Jupiter will remain in Pisces sign from 13th April 2022 to 21 April 2023.

These articles are applicable mainly from Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature. How actually it spans out will depend on your individual charts and time. These articles represent broader scheme of things.


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