Year Ahead 2014 : Libra

Expansion realms

US army general George S. Patton once said Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory. These words resonate quite well with the patterns visible in the planetary configuration for Libra sign people. The learning phase is on for you guys and you know it to the core what accepting challenge and performing under pressure really means as you people are literally living it out. The second part however is something we want to talk about, the exhilaration part .As the year progresses and you enter the second half, post June your life will show better trends. The expanding areas are many.The foremost area will be how and where you work. Yes the career part is looking up, up for a change. As you enter this year, you are sure to give serious thought about the stagnancy at your workplace and your not so satisfying financial situation. The compelling force to look for a change at your workplace can be many in fact. Apart from financial security, hassles from co-workers can also inspire your moves. The how part means that you will bring out the best in you and will be looking to optimise the way in which you work .Be it better timings, more proactivenes or else more organised schedule at your office, the end result should be increased productivity.

This effectiveness achieved at your workplace will also fetch you lots of accolades and appreciation.Jupiter gracing your house of career ,that too in sign of Cancer, signify huge amount of respect and limelight falling on you. Another expanding area will be your financial state, which will though see some challenges in first part,will be looking for pleasant expansion in latter months of the year. The months of July-Sept are particularly well suited for sustained growth in almost all areas of your life and you can expect new sources of income opening up for you. So if thought of putting your feet in some new venture has been hitting your mind ,then these months seem ideal to take the initiative .Apart from new sources, your old blocked money should also come back to you. The underlying essence of the second half is substantial increase in your wealth. The months between August to October also carry huge potential to give you travel around the world. You can travel excessively in this period.
Another subtle area which deserve mention is your Self-image and the inner dialog that goes on within you. As you gain the experience in first half, and enter the second, your Self-worth is bound to take an upward trend. The way you perceive yourself will improve drastically and the lost confidence will begin its backward journey. Your decision taking ability will improve owing to clarity of thought achieved and the constant inner dialog will take the healthy and positive turn.

Winds of change

Changes and challenges are present in quite a few areas and you need to pull your socks up to face them, embrace them. The first four months pose big challenges in how you control your outgoing energy as well as expenses. These months will see your attitude changing about money .You try hard to minimise you expenses which otherwise will be trending up strongly. Change is also seen in the way you deal with your peers, and it is quite possible that after trying all other alternatives you now might adopt aggressive attitude.
Second and equally important area is change in state of your health,at least a change is expected in how you put efforts towards betterment of it. The initial first half needs you to remain focussed and not to lose your energy in mindless tasks resulting in dissipation of it.
A change in also foreseen in where and how you live.Yes a change in your current place of residence can be possible as year picks up for many of you. Else you might focus on how part, i.e how well your house is organised .You will deliberately seek change here rather than waiting for it .It’s good to take initiative and put things in order at home front. In yet other scheme of things, renovation is possible with you giving altogether a new look and feel to your home. In more subtle sense this will actually be an urge to restructure things and your attitude to bring the desired change, as they say be the change you aspire for. The months of July-Sept might witness a more proactive and aggressive avatar of yours, where you get into decisive mood and finish maximum of your workload through inspired actions. As discussed before, a change at your workplace is also seen; at least about the methods you adopt to fulfil your duties and your outlook towards your work in general.

 Potential lessons

They are in small and big events, they are in mindless whirlpool of actions, in conflicts happening at your workplace, indeed they are everywhere and it’s only the receptivity to learning which decides their conversion rate, from potential lesson to real learning. For Libra sign, this year brings lot of opportunities to learn and grow.The first and foremost lesson is to learn to preserve what you have earned .Money is first thing which hits our mind when we hear earning, and indeed it applies here well .Mindless outflow of your money might leave you drained and guessing what’s actually happening, and this pattern remains quite strong in first five months of this year. This is an opportunity to cultivate strict sense of discipline in dealing with finances .Going on the same lines, same time period also want you to learn to control your physical as mental energy simply going out of your hands. It’s rare if someone actually controls temper at the moment it arises or deliberately mould what one intend to say. But what lies more in reach is to learn from a mistake which has already been committed. So it’s time to learn not to waste your energy in pursuits which you know will leave you completely dry in the end.
Another set of potential lesson are contained in your public & personal relationship domain. The conflicts arising at your workplace or even with your partner needs you to learn to filter out your words and reaction so that you do not ignite the chain reaction of ego boosting fight. In a nutshell, the first half is full of lessons wherever you look, and once you learn them well, results are sure to show in latter half of this year.

Spiritual Journey

Your journey continues. Librans are witnessing nothing less than revolutionary times as they are being tested thoroughly by strokes of mighty Saturn. The initial months between January to August, rather large part of the year, is the time to grow silently in the inner realm .You derive lessons ,turn inward, ask queries and do the dissection of the situations around you. Your condition is similar to Arjuna ,the warrior from Indian epic Mahabharta, who is in doubt, raises questions and seek satisfying answers before jumping into the action.
On outer levels the time is perfect and you might visit lot of places with Spiritual and religious importance. You pray intensely, and are ready to explore any options to understand the why part of events happening in your life. As the year march ahead and reaches its mid, you too move ahead in your quest, and like Arjuna got convinced after listening to inspirational Bhagwad Geeta from Lord Himself, you too would get somewhat convinced and enlightened, and would carry out your tasks with much fervor and cheerfulness .So your inner journey continues with much pace, stay Conscious and open to learning ,in the end you will come out much wiser and would be able to comprehend the inner meaning of things and situation in much clearer way.
For Other Zodiac Signs, New Year 2014  :

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