Year Ahead 2014 : Scorpio

Expansion realms

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. However old these word may seem, the truth they hold carries presents the essence of planetary configuration for Scorpio people. But irrespective of the places planets travel, hope and silver lining is always there and for the passionate explorers like you, this year offers many such hopes .You enter this year with high hopes and brilliant enthusiasm despite challenges around you .Your ruler Mars is in excellent condition for you which is sure to give you tons of energy and fiery passion, which is a natural trait for you. The first six months will give you chance show your force and strong intentions to deal with various issues. Coming to the point which is theme here,it will be your vision and aspirations which will witness huge expansion in initial half of the year. Your eagerness to deal with pending tasks, forthcoming challenges will be exemplary. Also your health consciousness will expand too, which will inspire you too remain fit amid your hectic schedule.

The first half of the year is particularly good in terms of your finances .It’s the period when you can expect many big decisions to be made regarding investing your money. It should be the period when you spend on getting things which you have aspired for long. The underlying theme for Scorpios this year, especially in first half is to add assets and expand their material world. This includes things like buying house, new vehicle or objects you love to have like new gadgets, phone or other electronic items.
The real expansive breeze will though come as you would enter the second half of the year. Post June you will witness times which will be supportive in many areas and accordingly you can expect to find fresh new opportunities everywhere. Travel is the theme in this period and you can reach out to far off places and connect to new people, places and experiences. You people are already having nothing less than revolutionary times and amid such times, Jupiter gracing your ninth house will literally illuminate you. The words fall short while describing what can be in your reach ,still as its extremely pleasant, lets go through some of key areas. New philosophy will take birth; you will lay down long term goals and will revive your vision. Reconnection with old and new people will make you totally alive once gain. Expansion is very strongly seen in how and what you learn. Formally this can be the year when you opt for higher education and in subtle sense apart from degrees and books, the essence of this year is to learn lessons in almost everything you see, touch ,hear or do. Its the year to learn and grow and what not. The second half of the year is bound to give you Midas  touch, stay conscious of your capability and never limit your fiery vision.

Winds of change

There are few areas where challenges will appear and some changes occurring around you which will need you to bring out the best in you to face them and fully give respect to planetary messages and convert apparent challenges into feather in your cap. The first and foremost challenge would be to control, rather channelize, your blasting energy .Scorpios by nature are hugely energetic and passionate up to the level unmatched by any other sign. This typical characteristic of Scorpios will get a large stage for its fulfilment and here comes the big issue for you .You under extreme enthusiasm will become vulnerable to taking rash decisions and even wrong ones stoo .Another manifestation of this effect would be in health which needs to be guided. The first half is a period where effort required for channelization of your inner ideas and energy would remain minimal. But as you enter the second half, your effort, thinking can go in vain and involvement in any unconstructive activities must be carefully and intentionally avoided. Another area of change would come in how you perceive difficulties. Till now you have seen enough testing and upon gaining blessing from Jupiter in second half, a change in your attitude would come about how you perceive challenges. Your attitude is bound to become more accepting. A change which will be much welcomed and will pave a way for future growth.
Though the most important area where you need to work is how you convert given opportunity to something workable. You should not just think, but act, is it enough? Not exactly true for you people this year. Not only you need to act but act very smartly and honestly. As said in the beginning, you need to bring out your genuine and true Spirit to the fore to accomplish any task effectively. Tendency to give up and feeling of rejection might sweep you once you begin to lose grip over your though process and desire to succeed amid tough circumstances. So remain motivated and don’t loose focus because despite challenges, this year offers lot of hopes too.

Potential lessons

Till now you must have got the strong hints about what lessons are stored for you in this year. Getting straight to the point, there are many and for you people it’s actually not the quantity of lessons that matter, but the quality you need to put in effectively learning even one out of many. The first heavy weight lesson here for you is to work in most diligent manner. Put all of your heart in whatever you do. Remember that you are under gaze of most strict master Saturn, who don’t leave even slightest of mistakes  go unnoticed. Gather yourself and remain motivated. Do not give up your long term aspirations and dreams just because you have some short term hindrance or limitation in front of you.
Saturn blesses one who work with highest level of honesty. Second important lesson here is to learn to cultivate better discipline in your financial matters, especially in second half when you will get busy with many new activities. Third and quite important lesson is to respect other’s view and learn to co-exist peacefully and with dignity. Once again its worth repeating that in this year your emphasis should be on how well you learn a single lesson whole heartedly, rather than aiming for many.

Spiritual Journey

It’s in full form, in  its full might. More than anything else, your inner journey and subtle learning is very prominent. Inside your hearts you know what you have been upto. Your journey further enhances its might and shine. You turn more inquisitive, more keen to know and ask why and how things are happening to you, and why only to you. This year is the time to come out of your shell and recognize that you are not an isolated being, rather you are a part of this world, and your experiences are the not solely given to you, everyone receives them at certain stages of their lives.
The second half is absolutely brilliant in marching ahead like a rocket in inner world. On outer levels you might visit lot of places of Spiritual and religious importance. You travel, connect, see contrast,learn, grow and what not!.From outside what could seem to be just movement and randomness in your lives, will actually be tremendously active learning going at fast pace. It would be appropriate to say in this context, only sky is the limit, literally.
For Other Zodiac Signs, New Year 2014  :
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