Year Ahead 2014 : Pisces

Expansion realms

Capturing the essence of ‘hope’,poet Emily Dickinson wrote : 
 Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul - and sings the tunes without the words - and never stops at all. And you too won’t stop. Your search for the dawn continues and this year do bring some hope in real sense. The expansion areas for you will unfold them gradually as year progresses. The first area where considerable growth can be expected is your attitude. With the enormous energy available from Mars ,you people will literally become dynamites .The aggression rises in you, your problem solving skills expand along with your eagerness to face the tough situations. The focus at workplace will rise and once you balance this excess of energy inside you, you can see pending tasks getting finished. Appreciation of your efforts at workplace is seen with your innovative problem solving skills at display. The first half is the time when your focus would shift towards your career for sure.

Though the best for Pisces people is stored in latter half of this year, post July, when mighty Jupiter will bless you in more than one way. Following months will see rise in many areas .To begin with, you will witness substantial increase in enthusiasm and a very bright thought process. You would go for organizing yourself and your schedule for the best. It is the year to get back to books, yes its one of the best year to get enrolled in serious educative pursuit. Getting admissions formally and start or else continue your learning journey is the essence of this year. For the ones not engaged formally, this year brings a generic expansion in their ability to comprehend the inner essence of people, events and a fresh new outlook might be formed gradually within you. For many of you, this year can bring birth of a baby in your family too. The events happening after July will give you enough motivation and will bring lot of fresh perspective in your otherwise somewhat stagnant life. Travel is also seen in latter part of the year, that too of long term in nature. Celebration and religious ceremonies are visible too, with you participating quite intensively. Apart from rituals at home, you can visit lot of places of religious or Spiritual importance.

Apart from everything else this is the year for new and fresh relationships to come in your life. Intense romantic relations are clearly in the sight, which will totally revive your emotional side. You would feel more, express more and it won’t be incorrect to say that this year has the potential to give birth to a poet inside you.

Winds of change

The areas where change and challenges might present themselves are many this year and you need to bring out the very best in you. Your typical analytical skills need to come to Conscious level so that you can enjoy all the goodies stored for you without any strings pulling you in unwanted directions. So what are these areas? First and perhaps the foremost one is difficulty in handling the enormous aggression within you. We all know how destructive nuclear energy can be, and what efforts and calculations have to be undertaken to use this huge energy in constructive ways. Same will apply to you in toto. A change in your public image, how people perceive you, is bound to come.Otherwise gentle and slow by nature, you guys can take dynamic Avatar in this year ,which might not be digestible to others and accordingly you may witness great amount of resistance in others about you. Extreme views can get formed about what you do and speak, because on your way to achieve your goals and sort out matters in your life, you really won’t bother how your words are going to make others feel. Change in your financial matter is also seen where you can get careless and caution need to remain there .The most important of them all is actually your own health ,which will remain extremely vulnerable in period between Feb to April. In these months many old health issues can resurface .Taking adventure sports or activities that have risk element are to be undertaken with great caution.

The list seems long ,but necessary to know. Your personal relationships are looking up for a change, it might be the year for old ties to break and new to form .In initial five months, the atmosphere at workplace can be extremely ambiguous with high probability of dirty politics being played at your back. If possible you should not trust people on the face and remaining alert is not just recommended but necessary. This year will test you thoroughly and only after passing many of them, you can expect to drink nectar of peace and feel the joy within.

Potential lessons

This is nothing  new for you as in the past you have already seen some big challenges and have derived useful lessons out of them. This year too continues on same grounds, adding few more valuable learning. Majority of them lies in how you say your words and in what way you express yourself. Your workplace will pose lot of challenges and you need to learn the art of being diplomatic especially when dealing with complex matters and with your seniors .Do not judge situations and people on the face as danger of deception will always be lurking around. If we broadly categorize the year, then first six months are extremely sensitive and you need to remain alert in almost all areas and you should not ask for relief here as how effectively you finish your tasks and face challenge will directly impact the quality of fun you will have in the months thereafter. You need to understand that words once spoken cannot be undone, and the temporary relief coming from vomiting the venom will dent your public and personal relationships forever. Taking safe and experienced road in your processional as well as in personal matters is best bet. The words of Benjamin Franklin might gather the essence here, Anger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one.

Spiritual Journey

The challenges were there ,learning was there but how it was contributing to your inner growth and Spiritual journey, that comprehension was missing in past. The events are happening at lightning pace and many of them remain behind the scene with no apparent links in-between two particular events. The ability to link the small pieces and understand the whole picture, it’s going to come this year. Your inner wisdom will get awaken and you would be able to understand how things ,people and circumstances are helping you in evolving immensely. Apart from mechanical performance of external rituals, you will actually get the feel how and why things are happening with you. Cosmos will show you the way, just remain conscious and receptive to learning. Gradually it’s going to be quite refreshing and memorable year ,because it will inflame your inner spark once again.

For Other Zodiac Signs, New Year 2014  :

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