Year Ahead 2014 : Virgo

Expansion realms
The word ‘expansion’ will come alive in its all might for Virgo sign people this year. There has been lot of complacency as well as feeling of being stuck up in you especially in context of your career to be precise. The time when you can expect your career to look up again is here and that too in a style!

Not just career, there will be many areas where expansion can be expected in full swing.Lets have a tour of them.  The first area which will see expansion is your approach towards pending tasks and your ability to implement what’s there in your mind since long. With tremendous energy of Mars with you for almost initial half of the year, you will get into definitive mood, in a mood to go with your full heart and might. You take up the daunting task for finishing maximum of work which was piled up due to lack of motivation or simple procrastination .Going by the same logic, you actions ,approach and attitude will most be electrifying and indeed first 5 months of this year are extremely favourable to implement what you dreamt of .This will be time when Universal dynamo Mars will give you enough inspiration to give physical structure to your formless thoughts and vision. Interest in physical activities like sports can arise in full vigour and desire to remain active and fit will sweep you.

As you enter the second half, i.e the time when mighty Jupiter will move into Cancer, you will see lot of positive and very cheerful events happening in your life and in life of people close to you. The list is pretty long, and very pleasant to hear isn’t? .So here we go. Post June your ‘okay’ and fine kind of career will start to gain vigour and a fresh breeze is sure to leave you totally enthusiastic here. Many of you would seriously consider or in fact change their jobs for the better, much better financial prospects .After uttering so many words ,let me underline the basic theme for you people ,its going to be the year of considerable increase in your financial worth ,yes it’s the year for earning huge and kick-off your troubles away .If in search of some new venture ,the months of July- Sept are very favourable for a head start. This will be time to give shape to your long term desires and aspirations.
Another interesting area which will look bright is your personal as well as public relationships .Your public image is bound to soar very high with genuine appreciation of your efforts coming your way. Lot of new people will enter in your life and it won’t be incorrect to say that it might feel altogether a new world!. For the singles out there, this is the year to find someone special as this year strongly promises worthy relationships which can turn in marriage. This is the year to engage, expand and enlighten your personal lives, and that too in a grand way.

Winds of change

There are many areas indeed where these winds will flow, and the best part is that most of them will flow to sooth you. First area of change is your outlook towards challenges at work and other difficult pending tasks in general .In your haste-ness to finish off them there could be some misses which won’t go unnoticed. Also how you deal with you money is going to change. Particularly in first half of the year you might spend huge, primarily in search of better living, and upon gaining immense wisdom through your experiences, in second half a change again will come in your attitude towards money ,but this time for better.

A bright change in source of your earning is also seen, and this can mean you trying hands in new ventures looking for better financial prospects. So the major change this year will involve in where and how related to your money matters.

Potential lessons

For Virgo people there will be thin line between what could turn as advantage and what could become a challenge .Giving fruitful direction to your tremendous zeal and out bursting energy is first and foremost challenge and lesson for you in this year .It’s important to remember that how your year shapes up in longer run would directly depend on how constructively you use this electrifying energy given to you. As you also take huge interest in adventurous sports, taking extreme caution there is recommended and it will be a potential lesson for you, exploring your foray into rigorous physical activities, which by nature is somewhat unusual to Virgo characteristic personality.

The first half bring a very strong lesson indeed in terms of how you invest and spend your earning.Saving would seem like a big challenge and owing to clouded state of mind and tendency to take decisions in rash, you remain vulnerable for putting your money in not so favourable places. Another very clear and loud lesson is how you convey your inner feelings to your loved ones. You might fall prey to short temper and saying what you don’t mean, leaving you red face later on. The latter half though is much soothing and expansive in nature, it do contains many subtle lessons for you. Lessons in good times? What could go wrong when Jupiter will be blessing you with whatever you wished for? ,indeed there are some aspects which demand your attention, the Conscious one .In second half of this year when your life would be on upsurge with grip of Saturn too losing its power,you could actually get too lost in superficial aspects of people and events around you. The lesson here would be not to lose the long term implications of how you behave and act.

Spiritual Journey

In this year your triangle of Maya is ignited fully. So this is the year to derive the benefits of your past Karma, your patience and all the hard work. Spiritual journey never stops, but there are phases when its intensity decreases and its pace becomes too slow to be noticed apparently. Your generic interest in knowing inner meaning of things and events might take a back seat as you would be more keen to explore the manifesting part,the actual results and not how and why part related to it .Its the year of ease and you can spread your wings to fly high as you had already learnt your lessons to the core in your earlier journey. It’s the year to reap the benefits of your accumulated good Karma, and acknowledge the fact that patience does work .It’s time to fly, dream and achieve.
For Other Zodiac Signs, New Year 2014  :

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