Year Ahead 2014 : Aquarius

Expansion realms

Aquarius people enter the year with burning desire to achieve their specific goals which they have carved out in previous year. There are many areas which will witness growth. Among the others, the most important and critical area would be your attitude.Gradually you begin to lose faith in destiny and belief in free will increase exponentially, but with some trials and tribulations.So the primary area to look forward to is birth of a new fiery vision which rely more on action plan and efforts rather than waiting for some stroke of good luck. The initial six months are conducive for it, it will is the time to build your new philosophy and restructure yourself to work in most optimal manner .Your energy levels can remain alarmingly high and when used judiciously, such constructive energy would make your many pending tasks complete .Another area of expansion will come in your travel opportunities. The initial seven months are quite potent in giving you intense travel adding huge experiences and learning. The nature of travel can be both short and long term ,and irrespective of their nature, they are going to demand lot of your energy. As two  major planets, Jupiter and Saturn sits in auspicious triangular positions in your chart ,many celebrations and important events can be expected at your home, like marriage for the aspiring ones ,birth of a baby for some and extremely ritualistic process can be adopted by many of you.

 For the ones looking to learn, this year will bring good news as your auspicious time for getting education continues. The initial half of the year is very suitable for enrolling in some formal academic session and start or else continue your learning story. This year will also witness good amount of growth in your business else promises sustained gains in your career. if  you get your acts right, then even getting promoted to higher role at your workplace looks very much possible. The time period between June to Sept is highly potent in this context. In the second half your financial matters will start to look up and steady growth in your wealth can be expected.Your work ethics would see tremendous change and it would be correct to say that you would become more inclusive and will get interested in holistic ways of dealing with people at work. In your personal lives too, you might take genuine interest in measures to improve your health and foray into Yoga, Meditation, aerobics or else hitting the gym with strict dietary plans is visible. So your health consciousness is all set to grow and expand like never before.

Winds of change

Changes and challenges are present in quite many areas and you need to be on your toes to deal with them all. The first area is your own health. Though the second half looks promising in terms of your health, the initial months are actually where you need to put your attention to. The extremely dangerous amount of energies available to you would be like atom bombs in your pockets. In generic sense, your health needs proactive attention and any medical pending issues should be sorted out as soon as possible .A big change is seen in your perception of how things work. You might develop your own individualistic theories about it. Deteriorating health of someone close in family, especially elder ones might pose serious challenge and it’s good to pay attention towards them right from the beginning of this year. In rush to achieve your goals, you remain extremely venerable to take wrong decisions and even conflicts can seniors and higher management can erupt. The months between Feb to June are very sensitive. Same months can also bring some real challenges in your education pursuit ,if you are involved. Challenges are also seen in visa processing for the aspiring ones.

Potential lessons

If we try to summarize this year for Aquarius people, then it would resemble the track for hurdle race where you need to successfully cross all the hurdles before finishing line appears .Also going by the same analogy, one needs to carefully control the balance of energy while running in such race, this is exactly the message for Aquarius sign people ,they need to handle their energies, instincts and decisions in very fine way.For example they  need to understand that for showing aggression, one’s boss cannot be put at receiving end. They need to think all outcomes first, before taking any major decision. The lessons for you people are in bounty and all the messages from the planets this year should be heard and implemented with full heart. Food habits needs to be controlled, especially the items which invoke heat. Another very critical and important lesson is to learn to bring down your tone and filter your aggression and anger while speaking. Maintaining a diplomatic stand is quite necessary for you ,particularly at  your workplace. As the second half of the year arrives, you need to understand that it’s no one but you who need to keep your spark alive and invoke constant motivation, else your inner flame might become dim.Any hasty decisions in getting into some venture in first half of the year are actually not supported until you have a clear cut plan and sound planning for every aspects.

Spiritual Journey

It’s already on ,in full swing .As we discussed, your two mighty planets are sitting in most Spiritual places, so your inner journey is not just on, but running in tremendous pace. This will continue till the first six months of this year. The aspirants and interested ones among you can carry on their march in inner world ,but not without some real challenges on the way. Mars’s aggression and temptation might divert your attention resulting in huge dissipation of your reserved energy. The second half becomes more silent and your learning phase will become bit slow, but steady .Overall a tremendously happening year ahead, where challenges will knock your door often, make sure you open the door and face them courageously. 
For Other Zodiac Signs, New Year 2014  :

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