Year ahead 2015 : Sagittarius

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
This year begins with slow pace but down the line there are many positive and desired things coming up for you. This is the year when your finances can grow to desired levels and its good time, particularly till first half, to invest and look for the ways to grow your money .Many objects of your desire, gifts ,unexpected admiration ,money and other good stuff seems to be coming to you .First half will surprise you many times with sudden big gains .Many of you can see new vehicle, a big property deal ,your home getting finalized this year. Many long term travel and new places will be seen this year and you will see many expenses on big stuff, which will fill up your home and delight your heart. There are many celebrations lined up and many get together and family functions will keep you pleasantly occupied. Your self-esteem and ability to act on your inner voice increases by many fold and this year is especially good for planning long term goals. Second half will bring strong trend of education and many of you would take admissions in formal way. Flying to foreign lands for studying or for purpose of work is also seen. This is the year to meet many new people, experience new things, new culture and perhaps greatest expansion will come in your thought pattern. Your horizon expands and your life is going to be enriched this year. Its more of inner phenomena as you move down the year. This year is also good for planning a baby for settled ones. Time beyond July is good to have a look back and write down your long term goals as your vision, ability to calculate and analyze would get better and hence setting some blue print for future would be a very good thing to do this year. 

Winds of change
This is year of many changes too, coming in gradually, looking of no significance in the beginning but setting up ground for bigger stage later on .Change in your residence is visible and many of you have to travel/relocate to new places. You will need to come out of your comfort zones. Change in your routine with increased workload needs to be accepted. Your working hours are bound to increase now and more hard work and dedication will be required from you. Some old health matters can resurface and it won’t be possible to postpone or neglect them anymore. Some of the expenses this year can be heavy and you will need to be prepared right from the start. Those pursuing education or looking for rise in career have to work very hard and there will be many challenges on the way .Health of your elder family member can also pose many challenges, so remain dynamic and ready to take on issues now and then. On changes and challenges, start can be slow and things will pick up pace as you move deep into year.

Potential lessons
First and foremost lesson of long term impact and relevance is to introspect and find out your weaknesses. Circumstances around you will dig out deep into you and you can see many neglected or weak points coming to surface now. Make a routine, have a plan and do not kill time. Respect each minute,each day and never lie ideal .The main essence of this year should be understood ,it would help you people to mold your actions accordingly. The main theme of this year is dullness and inertia. If you give attention and power to your laziness, habit of procrastination and handlings things without a definitive plan then mess would increase exponentially. Do not create issues by yourself, remain dynamic and open to challenges. Whatever issues or difficulties you will see will directly be springing from your own darker psyche. Test of Saturn has started for you and you need to stand up to it .Forget shortcuts and immediate relief, rather you have to earn each bit. Live by rules, and maintain highest level of ethics at work and in personal life. Its time to participate in biggest process of transformation that you have ever seen.

Spiritual journey
Lots of opportunities to grow as a person will bombard you. This is the starting phase of long journey of rediscovering yourself, reinventing and it won’t be wrong to say that this is the year of finding yourself in true sense .Superficial aspects will become clear to you. On outer level you might visit many spiritual or religious places but in reality you will remain thirsty and dissatisfied irrespective of outer rituals. You need to get live experience now which means facing some ambiguous questions, the metaphysical ones, directly through your own and not through the lens of someone else experience or wisdom .Time till June this year gives you brilliant opportunities to meditate, live close to Spiritual master and many of you lucky people can actually get initiated into higher knowledge by Guru. Remaining in isolation is opportunity for you to look at things in impartial way and develop priceless wisdom of your own .This is the year to witness life in its most raw form. In terms of analogy, like a seed has to submerge itself, loose its limited ego in order to give birth to grand tree, you have to go beyond your limited beliefs and experience grander you. Possibility to grow are literally endless now ,go and be a part of this revolution, years later you will realize what this year infused in you.

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