Year ahead 2015 : Leo

Predictions are based on Moon Sign.

Expansion realms
Your journey this year will gradually pick up the pace, from silent to aggressive, from qualitative to quantitative. There are many areas which will be touched and will get expansive and positive blessing and the beauty for Leo people is that impact areas are huge, spanning from very personal to professional one.This is going to be quite strong year, but manifestation of your desires can take their own time. Initial half of this year is low in visible changes, but deep inside something hugely expansive will take birth in you. Time till July this year is primarily meant for expanding your thought process, though again this process can be very slow to be visible concretely. On physical level, many big investments are seen. You can get your house, deal in land and property is big time possibility. The first half of this year basically stands for getting many objects of your desire, be it in form of gifts, be it big investments or simply in form of big expenditure for buying things you love. Traveling is also in focus and while it could take some time for your plans to take shape, second half will see you on the move. Its actually the second half of this year which will bring many concrete and positive changes in your personality .Your thought process will expand owing to exposure to new people, places, events and new thought patterns. It would be the time when new schedule and way of living would spring for you. Many of you will get involved in education and gathering of knowledge is strongest expansive area for you this year .In fact second half will bring whole sort of things to you, travel, learning, expansion of your network, rise in your fame and general good will. In subtle sense as you move deep into this year, your self-esteem and sense of relief would increase. Many of you can see development of new relationships and even getting married is definitely possible. To summarize the expansive realms in short, this year brings the opportunity to reset your life in the way you always wanted and time, energy, resources and circumstances will be provided to you in abundance.

Winds of change
There are few changes that you need to incorporate and challenges that you need to face. Change in career is quite possible, but it would need immense hard work and some conflicts at work are possible. Your working hours and workload can increase, leading to feeling of suffocation within which could trigger desire to look for new opportunities, but do not expect any swift change as you will be required to stay awake and on your toes all the time to get rewarded. A probable relocation in context of work or simply a shift in your place of residence is very much possible, which tough would loosen up if you are actually travelling a lot. So this year can bring hectic travelling and changes happening around you might not please you at least initially. You also need to give your attention to your family and family members as there could be legal matter or health of someone close going down, so better remain prepared and make sure you are reachable. You can also feel isolation, be it mentally or actually at physical level with your loved ones. In deeper sense, this year actually brings you circumstances where you can be left vulnerable, but do not forget, there is light at the end of tunnel for sure.

Potential lessons
Like every other area has got something in for you, lessons and learnings are in bounty too. How to manage things on your own, how to remove unwanted attachments and dependency, how to become self-reliant and see things from your very own perspective are main highlights. You also need to learn to remain detached, as you will see many old people, places and things getting replaced by new ones, so lesson this year is to remain dynamic, open to changes and experiences. Another very critical lesson, that will become more and more relevant as you cross the half way mark this year will be to leaning to manage your finances. You need to learn to control your urges and manage not just money, but your time, energy, resources and basically complete channelization of whatever you have got .In lighter sense, this year will also bring opportunity to expand your horizon as you are going to meet new people, get exposed to new cultures and thought patterns. This in itself can be greatest learning avenue for you. Learning in direct sense ,i.e pursuit of education, getting enrolled in any form of educational program is also clearly visible, so whether you do it directly or it chase you invisibly, learning is going to stay here.Make a big room for it, and its going to be fun if you are interested in evolving as a person.

Spiritual journey
One word, fantastic. This year has got gems and jewels stored for you if you have got slightest interest in more metaphysical aspects of existence. If gaining more wisdom and term evolution excites you, then this is the year for you. Mediation will happen like a child’s play. Tremendous calm within, new insights, opportunities to see something immensely meaningful will be everywhere .Visiting and even staying in places of spiritual/religious importance is strongly seen. Grace of Spiritual master can directly find you, leading to acceleration of your individual journey. If you are interested in occult and denser forms of mysticism, there is huge space for that too .For the ones who has little or no desire in spiritual phenomenon, this year is good for self-inquiry and for looking back and freely accepting your mistakes. Empty yourself to accept the Divine nectar, this is going to be brilliant year ,a transformational journey is awaiting you.

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