Year ahead 2015 : Scorpio

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
There are some growth opportunities and relief points available for you this year, which will impact some of the important areas of your life. In initial months of this year you will see and feel some ease in the way your tasks gets implemented .Your generic luck is at good place as of now and owing to blessing from heavens, some of the major blockages will go away. This year is good for taking up pending matters, and for giving a shot to things which look difficult .Time is particularly good for leaning and gaining education. This is one of the best years to get enrolled in formal education and many avenues will open up for you. In general, time till July this year is more than brilliant to learn from multiple sources. Exposure to new places cultures, people, events and situations will expand your consciousness to great levels. This year is also big on your travel plans. Many of you would go on long distance journey and movement to foreign lands is certainty for those looking for it. If your individual charts offer good time period then starting new ventures is also seen. Birth of new born is also foreseen very strongly and time is also exceptionally good for planning your family. Provided your effort level remains high, recognition, awards and rise in work is also possible for many of you. Better role with more authority is seen, particularly till July this year. Second half of this year can bring many assets to your life, like a property, a new vehicle, objects of your desire and better times in family can be expected. There seems to be some strong reasons this year to celebrate at home and some of the matters/events related to your close one will give you opportunity to feel the joy.A decent year for positive trends.

Winds of change
This is the year of change for you .In fact it won’t be wrong to say that this year will bring great reshuffles in your life. A new career, a new working place, new home and city/country and what not. This is the year which can bring change in aspects related to two basic pillars of life, work and home. Not just the big change, change in work environment, difference in both qualitative and quantitative sense can be there. First half of this year will be slow on changes, and visibility would increase as year progresses. Difference in the way you feel, difference in the others feel about you, your self-image and self-esteem, at inner plane is your biggest change and challenge is awaiting .The facets for changes are so many that it would be wise to understand the gist, this year will touch almost all areas of your existence and allowing changes and accepting challenges is the only option you have, more early you truly accept it, more swifter this year would be.

Potential lessons
If this year is to be described in one word, it would be; this is the year to learn. There is literally so much for you to learn. The foremost thing is to look out for your all weaknesses. Start doing things, rather than postponing. You need to learn to control your lethargic responses and slavery to your senses can be nothing less than lethal this year. Learn how to put first things first and you need to manage your day very effectively, else flow of events can make things look heavy and unmanageable if you leave things for the end. Take ownership, behave more responsibility and rather than blaming someone else, you need to get going. Its very much clear that situation might not be very supportive for you at the moment and in coming months, but complaining won’t help either. This is the year when you would be tested on all fronts with literally no one your side, so if you are expecting some help or favor from someone or simply the dawn of pure luck, forget it. Success and recognition in career will come after immense hard work and highest level of discipline. You are under strictest test from Mighty Saturn, so you are not allowed to rest or look for shortcuts. Though a lengthy and detailed story can be written about what, how, when and exactly in which way you need to do things, but it would be perfectly fine to understand the basic theme. The basic and underlying message of this year is to think, act and respond at highest level of ethics, follow strictest disciplined routine, do not indulge in anything so deeply that you forget your duties .Living a bookish life is need of this year, it might not please you hearing all this, but when you will look back in time, you will remember this year as your greatest asset.

Spiritual journey
Deep, wide and long. This year has so much potential to invoke thrust for knowledge, that it could actually become the milestone for you. Events happening around you would make you ponder over some of the serious aspects of things. This is the year to go deep in whatever you think, say or do. Opportunities to learn and know more relevance in things will be available throughout. Initial months can see you travelling a lot and spiritual/religious places are also included. Later on your interest can grow more on substance and less on periphery. Those looking for some easy shortcuts or miraculous ways to find solution to their problems will find a severe blow to their beliefs. Saturn standing on your head and casting His gaze on you is time to stand up and get to work, and work in most organizing manner. Some of the serious aspirants can find way to get initiated and will grow in higher branches of knowledge. Practice of mantra/tantra and other similar practices in search of better you will find a major push.This is the year which will press reset button inside you and it can be termed as most revolutionary year in your life.Stand up to witness greatest transformation within and around yourself.

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