Year ahead 2015 : Libra

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
This is the year of gradual expansion, there is definitely big hope and relief coming to you in many areas, the only thing is it will take some time before you can realize it. Though slow pace doesn’t mean hopes are low too. This is the year to regain your balance and come back to track .Positive and expansive touch will be seen in many areas of your life. The very first area which will see upliftment is your career. Many of you can see getting into new job, starting new ventures, rising at work, getting new roles with bigger responsibilities and higher authority, new place and type of work. Basically this is one of the strongest year for strong reshuffle in your work life .Next big change is your finances. Your struggles and feeling of being stuck will loosen up as you enter in second half of this year. Initial months of this year will give you opportunities, and once you hit them right, new and many avenues are going to open up for you to earn more, save more and spend more. Another very important change will come in your social life. Dullness and isolation which you have been undergoing is sure to fade away and there is going to be whirlpool of people entering in your life. This is the year for your social life to revive. You will build your network, hone your PR skills, will get a chance to come into focus and support from friends, relatives, from elder ones in your own family will now freely come to you. You will meet some of very influential persons which can become great asset to you. Your career matters, finances and social life all seem to be interrelated and all seem to grow this year. Love life is another sector which is all set to bloom. New bonds, blossoming of strong relationships and even marriage is strongly foreseen for you people this year. In terms of growth, this year stands for coming back to main stream life ,for getting back in shape,for warming up to the race. By the time this year ends, you will find yourself at entirely new place, far above and encouraging from where you began your journey. So its time to feel alive, life is coming back to you.

Winds of change
Changes and challenges are still around, though in milder form. This can be considered as last year where you are required to learn rigorously, but remain sure you will be treated gently as compared to what you have seen. Matters at home and conflicts with family member/s need to be sorted out and some ancestral/old family matter can spring up, looking up for resolution. Your own health along with health of someone close in family will need care and attention and adjusting to outer and inner conflicts is something majorly bothering you and you have to get comfortable with it. The biggest challenge this year is perhaps with respect to your work life. Change and rise which awaits you later in this year might come via rough and testing phase. Conflicts at work, increased workload, more responsibilities or pure monotony and unyielding nature of your work can make you feel sick and burdened. There can also be circumstances where you have to leave job/change job suddenly and situation initially can throw you in unpleasant surprise, but do not worry, just go through it ,this all will be pointer to something big and positive awaiting for you.

Potential lessons
Lessons learnt till now and in initial months of this year will pay you handsomely. Though you might seem reluctant to learn, the biggest learning this year is not to carry burden of past and agonies felt during previous years. Your consciousness seems to be dull and destroyed, not ready to move on and experiences of past can obstruct your mind from acting when opportunity arrives this year. This year is actually high on new growth opportunities so make sure you are eager to move, to rise, to get back to work leaving behind your old wounds. Motivate yourself, believe in future and generate hope within. If you can do it as you enter this year then tide of events in coming months will accelerate your efforts.Learn to tackle your insecurities and remain practical and not getting carried away by fears and assumptions, which primarily will come from your subconscious mind. Put in short, the main lesson this year is to rise above your inner struggles and fears. No one is tested throughout life, and you are not exception. Light and hope are approaching you, make a room for them.

Spiritual journey
You have had much of it, and heavens understand it. Time now is to get back to mundane world in all its might, so your spiritual quest and journey takes a back seat now. Its not like that you are no longer interested or avenues to evolve won’t be there, rather somewhere inside you thrust for normal and material aspects of life will be thousands times more. You can freely go ahead and structure your life back, inner growth and Spiritual journey will go in the background and carry on gradually simply owing to inertia gathered in past years .Make a comeback, heaven has extended its hand for you.

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