Year ahead 2015 : Virgo

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
Virgo people, this is your year without doubt. You will enter celebrating and this year will bring expansion in so many areas of your existence .Positivity seems to be all around you and this year’s main highlight is to accelerate your growth in almost all sectors. The foremost change is ease in your thought process. You feel light, less burdened and feel expansion of calmness within in you. You will be able to think clearly and speak with conviction. Personal relationships seems to be in focus and this is the time for blossoming of new bonds in your life .Time till July this year is very auspicious for matters of heart and love. Basic essence of this year is to bring back the fragrance of love in your life. Many of you can surely expect to get married and begin your second phase of life. Next big positive change will be felt and seen in your work life .Rise in your work, promotion, increased efficiency, rapidly growing good will and healthy bonding with people around, all is yours. In terms of finances, this year is high and will initiate a chain reaction like phenomenon. New sources of income would open up, many of you can start new ventures and expansion in current business/work is clearly seen.Its the year to grow, expand your reach, build your network. Leave your hesitation behind and jump into unknown, you will get opportunities everywhere. First half is high on visible changes and all kind of material gains and growth . Second half will bring a desire to get more rooted and can initiate self-inquisitive process within you. Long distance travels are seen in later part of year .Post July you can also expect to get new house, new vehicle, big deals in lands and property and many celebrations at home. In terms of desired positive changes, this year is like an Aladdin’s lamp, make sure you make most of it and use this year to achieve your heart’s desire, be it whatever, your wish shall be granted.

Winds of change
There aren’t much challenges for you, though few areas need you to be more cautious. First is tendency to get disconnected with other’s view, you need to remain grounded and inclusive in your approach. Your causal approach or simply your overconfidence can make you do foolish things or leave you with lot to explain. Secondly you as you move into latter half of year you might need to adjust to new environment to work in, new kind of situations around you which can make you uncomfortable to some extent. Time beyond July this year can bring physical (or just on mental level) separation from your loved ones and moving out of your comfort zone would be your foremost challenge. You would also need to stay aligned and take proper decisions pertaining to your family. The pace of your growth can gradually settle down as year progresses, so you would also need to adjust to varying circumstances around you.

Potential lessons
Though you may not realize initially, there are many things you need to learn. With growing financial prospects and good inflow of money in life, there is also a tendency to spend blindly. Money management is need of this year and till circumstances remain pretty favorable, learn how to handle it.Once you move into second half of year, conditions will get little strict and then you cannot afford to stay with your casual approach. Second thing is to learn to remain grounded and do not lose the vision of future while you enjoy today. This particular lesson will seem like rhetoric at present moment, but when you will look back in retrospection at end of this year, you will realize what it was all about, so work along while you party and have fun. Keep your vision alive.

Spiritual Journey
Dull and slow growth is seen here. Your primary impulse this year will be to grow and shine and secure your place in mundane world. Stress would be on material accomplishments, money and relationships. With so many things happening at the same time with you, you really won’t feel the need to look and ponder into meaning behind anything. Though this is applicable to first half of this year and as you move into second half, desire will gradually grow to find some meaning. Some trips to places of Spiritual/religious importance is seen and depending upon your individual charts, some of you can also take sincere interest in meditation, lengthy ritualistic worship or any other method in pursuit of find more meaning and linkage of events with their significance. This all process though can be very slow. This year will expose you to most colorful aspects of life and its time you enrich yourself with most pleasant and memorable experiences, growth and evolution can come later.

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