Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Aries sign

Overview of transit

  • Jupiter will move in your tenth house which implies time for major shifts in work life, in   your approach towards work, some relations and life itself.
  •  Then its aspect on second signifies expenses, energy exchange needed to accompany this major shift along with gains that you will derive later on of your hard work.
  • Fourth house aspect shows its strong correlation with your family life ,your belief system and changes that will come as by product of other work changes.(Accommodating new lifestyle, routine and making adjustments in family life for the sake of career)
  • Lastly its aspect on sixth house shows higher hard work, need for handling stress, family-work balance and changes in your company, social life (again a by-product of your primary pursuits).

Positive impact on gross level

  • As you move along, after a phase of confusion, stagnation or even frustration, you will get clarity in work life. Change of job, rise, promotions are likely towards the end.
  • This is one of the best times to move into different work field itself/business lines or experiment with career. Though this strictly needs a well thought preparation.
  • Gain of more wealth, receiving lump sum amounts, help from family in form of assets, money, guidance, moral support will come.
  • End of some past health issues, though after recognition, acknowledgement and then proper treatment.
  •  Long term gains are main highlight. Its best transit to buy lands, properties, invest majorly in these areas .Fixed assets are going to come in focus.
  • Some of old social life troubles will end. You will move towards harmony, though it can come via initial level confusion, end of some bonds. So social life settlement for the better is another major highlight.

Challenges ahead

  • You can feel resistance at work, pressure in work life can rise and situations around can force you to take some stand. It can be either bowing down, accepting to some limitations and compulsions or taking stand to move ahead, change job or even work field. This process can be rough and can test your patience. If your individual time is also weak, loss of job can come as well.
  • You can be required to change place. Relocation trends are high which can feel uneasy and expenses can rise too.
  • Health of elders in family will need care. Also your family life matters can come under some concern. Work-family life balance can be a challenge and some of the family members can become hostile with you.
  • Some health issues can come, though will be of mild in nature and will ask you to take stand. Stress is also seen to rise. Its a transit which will bless only after taking test of your patience, creating high pressure and bring more responsibilities.
  • At home, you need to step up. You can be given more work, you have to assume more responsibilities which will initially create repulsion.

 What needs to be done

  • You need to accept more responsibilities gracefully. Its time to step up. Being more mature and accepting more work, higher role in life is now mandatory. This transit will make you evolve.
  • Accept movement, you need to let go of some old associations with places, people and of some ego matters too to grow ahead.
  • Maintaining balance in life, avoiding excesses is very critical for you in this period.
  • Best you can do is to focus on long term investments. Go for any property related decisions, take up any house, family related major decisions too. If it feels uneasy immediately but brings sense of ease in long term, do it.
  • Most critical message of this transit is still focusing around your work. You should think long term gains. Career reshuffle is bound to happen. Do not fear change. Changes appearing at work will create ripples across others sectors of your life, and that’s fairly sumps up how your approach should be. Take short term pain for long term settlement and growth.

Spiritual significance

  • This transit has very low Spiritual significance. You will remain very occupied in handling core aspects of your life. Spiritually you won’t be left with any energy .Its time you sort your life without any fear, attachments .When you learn to let go easily, when you understand that life flows continually and change is the only constant thing, your Spiritual learning expected from this transit will be complete.

Heart of the matter:

  • Jupiter remains in Capricorn sign during phase of 20 Nov 2020 – 6 April 2021 and then from 14 Sept – 21 Nov 2021.
  • Transit impact has to be seen from Moon sign.
  • Very important to note that these patterns are of generic in nature. Actual results will vary due to individual charts, their own time patterns. Also its need to be seen how much strength Capricorn sign has in one’s chart, which means for same Moon signs results/intensity can vary owing to different strength of this sign. 
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