Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Gemini sign


Overview of transit

  • Jupiter will be moving in your eighth house, signifying unpleasant changes in and around and shattering of earlier life patterns. This will be both happening at external level and at level of psyche.
  • Its impact on twelfth house can mean higher energy outflow, intense thinking, trying to make things work which will also bring frustration and dejected feeling at times. It also means moving inside, to Divine for help, for insights and overall trying to link things and make sense of everything.
  • It will impact second house as well which means good times for wealth generation and you can also come closer to family and your values will be reinstated now. It means deciding what’s really important to you and rearranging life, routine in such a way that you work in most optimal manner and feel good finally.
  • Fourth house will also come under focus which means core values getting firm though tests and trails.

Positive impact on gross level

  • Greater flow of wealth will come. You are going to earn higher, there will be support from family, those who qualify will get inherited wealth and properties as well .Its strong transit for gains of assets, building wealth, buying lands, properties and vehicles. Fixed assets will rise and financial management will gain focus.
  • Travels can be many in times ahead. You can even change place of residence if your individual time also supports. Spiritually significant travels and events will take place as well.
  • Intense Spiritual awakening and getting back to what’s important for you .This transit through initial churning will make it clear what’s important to you and how you should live in order to achieve harmony in and around.
  • Better home environment, good experiences in love life will come. Your family will feel support and some of bonds will get better.
  • For those looking, foreign travels and migration can be a strong possibility now.
  • Extremely good time for bringing new techniques in work. Its transit for radical shift in how you work. This means you can adopt new methods, technology ,timing, ways and result will be better productivity .Its brilliant time for research ,innovation in your work if applicable.

Challenges ahead

  • This transit will shatter many of your relationships, thought and life patterns. It means you can find yourself alone, clueless and helpless at times. You can face identity crisis and ideological blankness. It is time to make new start. Do not look back, life will change from here after. Allow new patterns to enter, cooperate with life.
  • Health will need care. Bring your attention to what needs to be done in order to live healthy.
  • Some of your family, work, personal relations can become sour. Its time to identify which relations should be taken ahead and what needs to be left behind. You might not be able to choose, which means this transit can reshuffle your social, family, love life without you being in control. You need to accept here.
  • Expenses will shoot up but good thing is good flow as well. Still you have to travel, spend and think intensely in this phase before you feel settled.
  • Family pressure, expectations will rise ,so you need to stand up and deliver now.
  • Work might not have change or rise but as you move into this transit you will be able to find out what you need to do in order to grow ahead. So time to work on self, bring out your best so that you can gradually move towards career growth. Time to introspect ,research, learn and move towards higher productivity which will open doors for growth.

What needs to be done

  • Open yourself to new life patterns. Drop resistance, attachment to past, past impressions. New will come but in uncomfortable ways if you resist changes.
  • Give attention to health.
  • Value your relationship at home, at work. Its time you learn true importance of people in your life and forgive small mistakes. You need to finally realize who is truly importance for your happy existence and then you need to work towards those relations.
  • Innovation, greater focus and commitment in work life is necessary else you can fade out, can feel clueless and lagging. Career needs intense dedication and commitment to improve. So its time to think beyond boundaries in order to grow.
  • One of the most critical lesson is to focus on what you can do, what’s in your hand rather then what cannot be achieved and what’s gone. You have to create new life with your current resources and situations. Once you understand, accept this fact, this transit can be very refreshing for you.

Spiritual significance

  • Older beliefs will fall, you can feel rebellious, blank and without any ideology at times. Its all fine not to stick to any belief or routine for a while. Randomness will creep in. Spiritually you can feel repulsive. This can be energy sucking transit. You seem in transition. Though you won’t be totally out of touch and will bounce back strong and will find your belief system solid towards end of this transit. Embrace temporary entropy.

Heart of the matter :

  • Jupiter remains in Capricorn sign during phase of 20 Nov 2020 – 6 April 2021 and then from 14 Sept – 21 Nov 2021.
  • Transit impact has to be seen from Moon sign.
  • Very important to note that these patterns are of generic in nature .Actual results will vary due to individual charts, their own time patterns. Also its need to be seen how much strength Capricorn sign has in one’s chart, which means for same Moon signs results/intensity can vary owing to different strength of their sign.


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