Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Taurus sign


Overview of transit

  • Jupiter will move to your ninth house which signifies focus on movement, end of stagnation, new plans, new aspirations and major changes, movement in life .It means entirely fresh phase and life can take major turns in many areas.
  • Its aspect on first house signifies overall change in how you see life, your health, your confidence levels.
  • Its aspect on third house signifies need to exchange your energies, connect, meet, travel, associate in order to grow ahead. It also means more involvement in family and social life. This can be seen as result of end of past stagnation and greater life force leading to more engagement in relationships.
  • Its impact on fifth (the trine houses are going to get activated) means overall shift in how you think, feel. It also means learning new skills, higher enthusiasm and desire to expand your knowledge. This expansive trend also means extension of family.

Positive impact on gross level

  • Changes in work with ease. For career growth this transit can bring major push and easy opportunities.
  • You can travel to new places and even there is strong possibility to move to foreign lands. For those aspiring for long, this transit can take them to distant lands, essence is growth after movement.
  • Its one the finest transits for education pursuits. Also in general, this is good time to learn many skills, be it formal, self-learning.
  • For those looking ,it can be time for conception and birth of child in times ahead can be expected.
  • Some of old relations will get back on track. Your reach, respect in family will rise .Its time to feel more connected.
  • Health issues will start to end. Mainly this transit stands for gaining insights about how you can uplift your health, life state, standards and performance.
  • There is also beautiful atmosphere for new relationships to blossom. So good time for love life pursual and conversion of relations into long term ones.
Challenges ahead
  • First thing first, all the positive aspects will unfold gradually and probably having some conditions, some twists as well. So challenges can come time to time and at times you can have to adapt to different plan. Goal will remain same and you will achieve it as well but you might need to change approach, plan many times.
  • Health of elders in family can really need lot of time.
  • Work relations can be testing. This transit in fact is quite testing when it comes to your professional bonds. You can undergo some ugly politics at work, someone close can create tensions for you. Work changes can be forced owing to disturbed environment at work .Professional relations will need quite patient and diplomatic handling.
  • For relationships in general this is positive transit, but not without creating strong challenges in your current state. Some of your relations in family, at work, with your friends can become tensed. Even some of your old associations can end here. New will be generated but some karmic bonds will end in this period.

What needs to be done

  • Changes occurring in job, relationships, health, place of residence and equations at work will demand very dynamic attitude. It means there might not be stable patterns and events can change randomly which will require you not to rely blindly on anything or anyone. Remain flexible and ready for last minute changes.
  • You have to handle relationships very tactfully. There might be revolt at work, opposition, even some blame-game situations and some personal relationships going through ugly phase .It will need you to be patient and carefully judge the situation before you react. Your ego needs a strict check and you need to be far sighted when it comes to your social, personal, professional relations.
  • Give time to elders at home.
  • Accept some unpleasant situations, new lifestyle and move out of comfort zone. Growth is totally assured but you have to move, adapt very fast.
  • Some unhealthy life patterns, habits have to be left now and if you are not consciously doing it, you will be forced to take up such changes.
  • You will face some ugly realities of people, relations, so practice self-love, forgiveness in order to move ahead without getting stuck at some emotional grudges.

Spiritual significance

  • Spiritually this is going to be very intense times. Many of you earlier beliefs can end here, you can experience intense confusion and can even question Divine, fate ,life itself. This transit will create more confusions, you can feel helpless and not supported at times. Though remember it’s a phase of renewal and not destruction entirely. It means its time to look at people, relations ,life itself from new perspective. Be ready for philosophical and Spiritual shift in life. Main lesson for you is to understand that you can respect someone despite having strong differences. Maintaining dignity in turmoil is main learning for you.


Heart of the matter :

  • Jupiter remains in Capricorn sign during phase of 20 Nov 2020 – 6 April 2021 and then from 14 Sept – 21 Nov 2021.
  • Transit impact has to be seen from Moon sign.
  • Very important to note that these patterns are of generic in nature. Actual results will vary due to individual charts, their own time patterns. Also its need to be seen how much strength Capricorn sign has in one’s chart, which means for same Moon signs results/intensity can vary owing to different strength of this sign. 

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