Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Pisces sign


Overview of transit

  • Jupiter moves to eleventh house activating trine of power and passion in full intensity. It signifies great energy, enthusiasm, opportunities opening up. This transit signifies immense life force and positivity being generated in your life.
  • It will impact third house which shows generation of new connections, reaching far, expansion of work, taking many new initiatives which will result in your growth.
  • It will impact fifth house which will uplift your energy, create enthusiasm and also defines a new phase of personal growth. It stands for overall comprehensive changes in all sectors of life.
  • Seventh house is also impacted which shows expansion of reach, rise of passion, better social connections and generation of good image leading to healthy mixing and your return to main stream life in full way.

Positive impact on gross level

  • This transit is majorly positive for you. There will be changes in job, rise, promotions, intense phase of progress is now open.
  • This is best time to make bold jump, get into new work lines, start business, new ventures, work in partnerships .Its time to chase your dream passionately .Best transit for career rise with leaps and bounds.
  • Very good transit for generation of wealth. Your earnings will shoot up now. New avenues to earn will open up and savings will start to rise. Jupiter will help you gain much wealth now. This is best time to make long term investments, by things of your desire and enjoy abundance.
  • Very good transit for expansion of people network. You will come close to family, friends and some of your earlier tensions will end .Now this phase will allow greater, better and closer connections. You will feel alive and much engaged.
  • Good time for love life to blossom. Its best transit for you to fall in love ,to marry and even plan for baby. This transit for you is Jupiter’s blessing in full might, so any area of your life where you want to move ahead will see great improvements.
  • Better attitude, cheerful atmosphere and higher energy levels will also be there.

Challenges ahead

  • Challenges are very few as this transit is majorly good for you.
  • Challenges can be felt in your health at times and some disturbances in social life.
  • You can also face some financial lack and losses mainly due to mismanagement of wealth.
  • Very critical point to remember is you can also face problems in relationships in general owing to your attitude.

What needs to be done

  • Take out best of this transit by freely pursuing your goals. Chase your dream job, give full efforts for any goal important to you. This is good transit to achieve great milestones hence do not hold yourself back for any reasons.
  • Be humble. Arrogance and casual attitude can rise which can create issues in your relations.
  • Take responsibility of what you say and do.
  • You also need to practice wealth management. Inflow of wealth seems good though you need to handle how you spend.
  • Another very critical point for you is to spending your time very wisely. Your energies can become very sharp and you can feel to go out, mix and engage in many activities. This means randomness will rise as well which can lead to loss of time.

Spiritual significance

  • There is no Spiritual significance for you. Your only strong lesson is not to become arrogant, loose values, disrespect anyone. It is extremely critical to remember that this misbehavior with anyone, show of arrogance and rudeness will not show now but will give you adverse results later on(next transit) .So remain grounded and kind whenever possible.

Heart of the matter:

  • Jupiter remains in Capricorn sign during phase of 20 Nov 2020 – 6 April 2021 and then from 14 Sept – 21 Nov 2021.
  • Transit impact has to be seen from Moon sign.
  • Very important to note that these patterns are of generic in nature. Actual results will vary due to individual charts, their own time patterns. Also its need to be seen how much strength Capricorn sign has in one’s chart, which means for same Moon signs results/intensity can vary owing to different strength of this sign.

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