Jupiter transit to Capricorn : Impact on Virgo sign


Overview of transit

  • Jupiter comes in fifth house activating the prime trine houses indicating major return of enthusiasm, focus and opportunities to grow .It signifies cheerfulness, greater energy and determination naturally. This transit stands for greater life force, ease in life, more growth, greater connections and enthusiastic attitude.
  • It impacts ninth house which will promote learning, forming new beliefs, expecting new events which will broaden your horizon. It stands for greater reach, expansion of network and mind gaining new heights to learn and assimilate.
  • It also impacts the eleventh house which means as a by-product of increase in life force, your desires will also rise to connect, to earn, to grow. New hopes, aspirations will take birth in you.
  • It impacts the first house completing the trine. It means overall positive changes in nature, fundamental shifts in how you think, feel and see life.

Positive impact on gross level

  • Opportunities to grow in work .It might mean change in job or promotion, essence is growth and not change necessarily.
  • This transit is mainly positive for increase in life force which will propel you to learn new things, new skills. So best time to learn any subject, enroll in any education program, seek higher education and even move to foreign lands for education/work pursuits.
  • Extension of family is strong seen ahead. It mean strong environment to conceive for those looking.
  • Overall family environment will become soothing and helping. You will get support from elders and right guidance will come even when you are not seeking.
  • Better health, though with some sharp lows and swings as well.
  • More wealth growth possibilities will open up as well. Savings might not increase immediately but yes this is good transit for finding new ways to earn or simply become more productive in whatever you are doing currently. Greater life force, enthusiasm will lead to new action plans and better approach.
  • Greater reach, better relationships and more connections will come. Its good time to reach out to new/old people and form new bonds.
  • Direct impact will come on your love life and with some initial level hurdles ,dips, you can still expect blossoming of new relations and good events in context of your love life.
  • Spiritual level travels and good experience can come as well. You can feel blessing and for Spiritual aspirants this can be very strong transit to move deeper into their practices. Though it will involve some bitter experiences in between as well.

  Challenges ahead

  • Your health will go through ups-down. Need to take care of physical and emotional well being as your mood will swing huge and you can often become restless and short tempered as well.
  • Love life and family relations will also face challenges. For many of you, tensions can develop in love life which can even lead up to end of relation. This transit is good for you in what’s best in long term, so if you are into any toxic or temporary relationship, it might not survive by the end of this transit, but the pain can be for real.
  • Changes in job or scenarios at work place can cause some stress, sudden events and some professional level tensions can take lot of your time and bring lots of pressure. Career growth is no doubt good in long term but this transit will also bring tensions. disturbances with seniors which can get quite ugly at times.
  • For those seeking to extend family, process can take time, there might be need for some medication and seeking repeated guidance.
  • You will have to bring some changes in health routine but it can come via some stressful, sudden and unpleasant realizations(unless you are extremely conscious right from beginning about your routine and lifestyle).

 What needs to be done

  • Grab opportunity to learn any skill or lesson immediately without any resistance.
  • Work on your weaker areas if you already know that they exist.
  • You need to be more tactful in handling your professional relationships. Also you need to understand that career growth will need some small sacrifices and upgrading yourself.
  • One of the most critical lesson is not to hold on to any emotion, relation or person. This transit is majorly good and will bring happy experiences but, in the process, can remove many from your life. You need to go with flow without holding on, attaching yourself to past image or identity.
  • There will be shift in how you feel and live. This means new life patterns, routines, relations and equations will emerge which will need you to not allow your old version to become a barrier. You simply need to understand that you need to upgrade yourself from time to time and this time its even not happening against you. You need to drop fear of changes and you do have strong reason for it: its all happening for your growth and better harmony and losses of any form whatsoever will all be your perception alone.
  • This is transit which will activate your higher consciousness and farsightedness as well. So you need to plan your long term approach, career blueprints as well. This means that in this period you need to speak, think ,act keeping long term picture in mind(even if it seems like pain in short term).

 Spiritual significance

  • This can be transit of great significance for you, Spiritually. For deeper aspirants this can be strong phase for growth, Grace can flow in .Though it will also involve some bitter experiences, feeling low, direction less and loosing motivation and even questioning your belief system and Guru as well. This all will not last long hence simply flow and have faith and when dust of such temporary storms will settle, you will be able to see through clearly again. So keep your calm when you lose faith and don’t try to push too hard to prove anything .Just maintain dignity in interactions when you deal with seniors or Guru.     

Heart of the matter:

  • Jupiter remains in Capricorn sign during phase of 20 Nov 2020 – 6 April 2021 and then from 14 Sept – 21 Nov 2021.
  • Transit impact has to be seen from Moon sign.
  • Very important to note that these patterns are of generic in nature .Actual results will vary due to individual charts, their own time patterns. Also its need to be seen how much strength Capricorn sign has in one’s chart, which means for same Moon signs results/intensity can vary owing to different strength of their sign.


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