Year 2022 for Cancer


Expansion areas

Career change though is not the essence, but is still favoured, specially towards the second half of the year beyond May. The stronger pattern is of rising, doing better and getting promotions etc where you are.

This is good year for higher learning. Many of you can go for higher education, to foreign universities. Those working and looking for break to gain skills, this is perfect year to take break and upgrade yourself.

For those looking to get married, this is year of certainty. Good time to get married, fall in love, take your relation ahead towards commitment. Also very blessed time to extent family as well.

Your social life will also expand. This year in general is good for bring new people, relationships, experiences hence your social connections will grow, you will gain many more acquisitions and contacts who will bring great colours and contrasts to your life.

One of the finest year for anyone looking for foreign travels and settlement abroad. This is good time to move abroad for education or work purpose.

Financially gains are decent gains and first half of the year favours gains from real estate, buying house, vehicles as well. Those eligible will also get inherited money and assets.

Spiritually this seems of the strongest year. In general this is strong year to travel to Spiritual places, get deeper into Spirituality .Your consciousness will expand ,you will realize so many lessons of past in flash and things will beautifully link .So learning process this year isn’t just formal one ,its actually skin deep and will continually walk with you.

Challenges ahead

There can be challenges in work often in this year. This means changes in job suddenly, even work security looks weak .Time through year seems average only when it comes to job stability. April to July time seems testing.

Health matters of self ,elders in family will need attention as well .Some of the old health issues can make a return and depending on your individual charts, potential new issues can also get activated.

Financially this year also has higher expenses and expenses on health, family and even debts of past needs to be paid now.

Married/love life can go through testing phases as well. Also this year can be challenging when it comes to your reputation. You can get into some blame game and even legal hassles.

There can also be conditions of relocation ,coming out suddenly or making you feel uncomfortable.

Lessons and needed approach

This is quite mixed year for you .You will have to work hard to sustain your work, job. Often in year you can feel need to upgrade your skills. So you need to identify if you really need to learn any new skill and then go for it. This year you need to look for upgrading yourself, optimizing your working methods, increasing your productivity. Changing jobs ,getting swift growth might not be easily available ,so focus on how you can add worth to your skill set. Time beyond May and specially beyond August is good and will ease your test.

This is also the year when you will see glimpse of many of your own weakness and also of others. So you need not remain blind to such realizations. When you see some scope for improvement in self, take it up immediately. When you see flaws in others, become aware, especially if you are involved in some serious relationship with them. You are sure to see red flags, make sure you don’t overlook them.

Remain open, flexible in first half about how much you work, your place of work and residence and just focus on quality that you are giving ,on self .Also keep looking for avenues to improve, upgrade. This approach will give you brilliant results in form of work rise, wealth, peace ,recognition beyond August.


This year starts on weak, average note but will move towards great strength beyond May. With some challenges in work ,health and family life, you are sure to get great vision, many realizations, great maturity and peace, recognition towards second half. You need to keep patience and not get into blames games ,rather work silently .Accept changes, challenges. Infact this is key point for you. The calmer and less complaining you will be, easier things will see for you .The flow of year will get much smoother, better as you move ahead, so keeping patience in initial few months will make sure lasting peace and growth ahead. Learn, learn and learn, this is extremely good year to read, create, realize and raise your worth. Just work with maturity on self ,improve your worth silently ,world will realize it and recognize you for sure.


Heart of the matter

These articles are based on Moon signs.

There articles are of generic nature based on transit patterns alone but the actual structure of year will depend on individual time periods majorly.

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