Year 2022 for Pisces


Expansion areas

This is a decently good year and represents time to make most of opportunities. Career changes are favoured though will accompany some conditions. Work expansion will come but slowly in second half of the year.

Financially time will get slowly better beyond May and excessive expenses will stabilize as well.

The essence of this year lies in learning, upgrading yourself. You will get plenty of chances to learn, to gain new skills and to perform better remaining at same place. The real crux of this year is about being more productive .Leaps of growth might not take place suddenly but you will get chances to show case your talents and continuously gain new skill set as well.

This year is brilliant for higher education .You will excel in studies. Those looking for taking break in their work life and go for higher education can surely go ahead. Break taken now will be extremely rewarding in times ahead. This is also a very favourable year to move to foreign lands either for work purpose or for higher studies. Those looking for permanent foreign migration, this is very suitable time.

Very beautiful time to make new friends. You will make new associations, will meet new people, your social life will expand and isolation which can remain till April will end ahead. This is extremely good time to marry, to extend family as well. Anything related to formation, sustenance of relationships is very much favoured in this year. Many of you will find their soul mates.

This is a giant year for Spiritual growth. You will travel intensively and for your personal evolution this seems a milestone year as well. You will gain immense wisdom .With your recent experiences ,you are sure to link events and find meaning in everything that surrounds you.Your life will make sense and sense of frustration will ease .This year will give you motivation ,purpose and great insights.

Challenges ahead

Challenges are not very intense, rather spread out in the year .You can feel lethargic, energy can feel scattered specially till May. Beyond May you will feel better but schedule will be hectic, there can be too much pressure. This year is all about performing under pressure, taking up more work and showing your worth to self and others.

Job security seems low and there can be phases of tensions, opposition in work life specially in first half. Also one of the key essence of this year can be working long hours and having less sense of belonging. You can feel like not getting your worth and being questioned, neglected very often. Sense of financial and job security both seems low.

Health seems average to low this year .In general vitality can lack and you can feel like less energetic, which will improve slowly but health in general, including your emotional wellbeing remains an average aspect this year.

Expenses can shoot too high. This year you can move to new place, you can become unsettled for some time, there can be expenses on health of self and other family members, in settling down at new place .Those involved in legal matters will have to spend much more to sort out things.

Lessons and needed approach

This is the year to focus on leaning and experiences alone. You will get weak job security, there can be many changes, feeling of fear and you will feel like in transition. Indeed you need to take up whatever happening in your life as transition phase only. This means focus on what you are learning and upgrading your skill set rather than attaching yourself to some place or position. The best what you can do in this year is to realize that people, places might not stay with you forever but what you learn does remain. So do not build excessive attachments with your surroundings. Even if it requires to take up lower roles ,take up with grace, it will all be for learning sake.

The real essence of this year for you is in qualitative sense. You need to work to your full potential. Second half of this year will hive you plenty of good opportunities but your past failures and feeling of fear of success, unwillingness to work hard can pull you back .This is the year to stretch yourself. You need not remain in comfort zone .This year is actually meant to work outside your comfort .This means not minding working extra hours, taking up new skills ,taking up work of others, doing a bit extra, adding value to work you do even if its not asked .You need to go beyond usual .This is not the time to do what expected and sleep, but to explore more continuously. This year when lived in proper sense will make you realize your true potential.


This is decently good time for you but the real message of this year is deeply hidden and subtle. In reality this year demands you to explore beyond what’s visible. This means you need to go extra mile whenever possible. Look for learning everywhere, upgrade yourself, prepare yourself daily .In practical terms it means not focusing on success alone but only remaining concerned with what’s your learning. Experience is key factor for you. This will become very meaningful and a matter of solace in moments when you encounter weak job security, conditions of poor work environment. When you face such circumstances, understand that its all occurring to teach you something. None of the event in this year will be to solely harass you ,that will purely be your perception .The real meaning of this year will become clear to you when you will try to harness your true potential by learning hard, working hard and going beyond your usual routine to gain more skills and more productivity. This is kind of year where you need to build great inertia which will give you light and fire in years ahead.

Heart of the matter

These articles are based on Moon signs.

There articles are of generic nature based on transit patterns alone but the actual structure of year will depend on individual time periods majorly.

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